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Lori adjusted herself on the wide sectional couch she pulled the white fleece blanket up to her chest and leaned into the small square pillow as she tucked her legs under her body. Aubrey looked down at Lori as he walked around the back of the couch and found a spot next to her he laid back as he raised his feet to the couch, his knees bent and naturally spread open. He looked up at the tv.

"Your phone call went ok?" She asked turning to look at him then back to the tv.

"It was an interruption." He replied. Lori smiled and shook her head.

"Everything is an interruption to you!"

Depends on what's being interrupted."

"I almost forgot! I wanted to ask you why the twins didn't go with us to Italy... or at least Vic?..." She looked over at him.

He seemed thrown off by the sudden question, Lori frowned at his prolonged silence. "I wanted it to just be you and I." He finally said.

"They're coming next time, right?" She asked.

"Maybe." He said vaguely. Lori chewed the inside of her cheek, she frowned and placed her attention back on the tv. Aubrey looked down then back over at Lori, she had gone completely silent no longer acknowledging his presence. "Come here."

"You come here." She replied with a smile, his face softened once he realized she didn't take his vague replies personally. He clenched his jaw and stared at her, he shook his head at the thought of him moving at her request yet he shifted his body and laid back between her thighs, she properly adjusted herself to make sure he was comfortable. Her right arm slithered down his chest and lifted his shirt, she ran her nails along his waistline and placed her left hand at the top of his head. The weight of his body completely fell against her causing her to smile at his comfort. "So?..." she finally said.

Aubrey signed knowing what she asking of him. "I had a discussion with the twins about how my relationship is going with you and I'll call on them when I'm ready to use them again. This isn't new to them. They understand what's going on."

"You're comfortable with this?"

"With what?"

"Doing this!?"

"If I wasn't comfortable with us or you I wouldn't be laid up with you right now." Aubrey said as he twisted a small patch of hair under his chin out of habit. Lori sat quietly knowing he was still thinking of his next set of words. "You went over and above as a sub... and that's what made me... greedy... in a sense, especially in the short amount of time we've been together."

"I just wanted to make sure you aren't changing what you like because you think it satisfies me. I like what we were doing and I love what we have now." Lori replied as her nails dipped below the waistband of his sweats, he quietly sighed out of satisfaction but held his silence as he allowed the tip of her nails to grass his skin.

He finally sat up. "Come here." He laid back against the wide couch tucking his arms behind his head, Lori smirked and crawled across the short distance and straddled his waist. "Speaking honestly, my intention with you have changed and at the moment I am only interested in you, there will always be other women but right now I'm laid up with you, getting to know you, what you like what you don't like. This is the first time I've been able to have this... kind... of relationship without it backfiring on me. You're territorial but not jealous and with me being possessive..."

"And obsessive." Lori said cutting him off.

Aubrey smirked and chuckled he placed his hands on her thighs. "And on SOME occasions obsessive! It works. You know what you look like, you know how stunning you are, you're bold, you're not afraid to take risks, you're confident, you know you have no competition, you know what you like and you are not afraid to leave if you're not getting it and that makes me realize I'm not NEEDED but I'm WANTED and all of that does something to me. Right now I am... obsessive over you and when I'm done touching, licking, and doing ungodly things to you we can get back to what we were doing before, but right now I am not interested in sharing you."

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