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"I don't know, he was like... begging me?... you know?... to not want more?..."

"What is want more tho?..."

"Janet, that's the thing... I don't know!? He just kept saying I don't want to have to let you go so don't want more! He told me he can't let me go, again..." Lori said frowning and looking at Janet.

"Again!?" Janet matched her frown with knitted eyebrows.

"Yes, again! Like we were previously together. Then he kind of took it back... like, he stopped himself after saying it..."

Janet drew quiet as she thought to herself. "Maybe he was just caught up in the moment... you're pussy is so good it makes him say random things! That's a compliment, you know!?"

"Jay!" Lori hissed back as she stood in front of the large mirror and snapped a full-size selfie after changing out of her work clothes and sent the photo to Aubrey, a mundane task she had quickly gotten used to. Janet stood up from the couch and circled around it to head towards the door.

"What!? It is!"

"Well if that's the case he should be the one worried about not wanting more!" She replied back closing and licking up her house for the weekend. She had a few hours left before making her way to Aubrey's home so the only right thing to do was go eat and gossip to pass time as if the two women didn't already do that on a daily basis.

"I just don't understand what 'more' you would want!? The man spoiled you... pretty much gave you a whole mansion, bought you your own shit, and you are not a cheap bitch! So I know that wardrobe was a bag of a FEW racks! The only thing he hasn't gotten you is a car!"

"I already have a car!"

"You already got clothes too but that didn't stop him."

Lori stopped walking, her eyes grew big. "Oh my God! I know what he doesn't want me to want!"


"His ex-girlfriend, the one who got him into the lifestyle, started to want kids and to be married, so he broke up with her. He had to let her go!... he doesn't want to let me go...."

Janet pressed her lips together. "He's lazy!"

"Well I mean it was his only option! You know?... his fear of committing..."

"Right, right... he hates responsibility."

"No, it was responsible! Think about it. He knew he couldn't offer her what she wanted. He knew he wasn't that type of man so instead of stringing her along for years with promises of one day giving her what she wanted, he let her go to find a man who could give her what she wanted! Now she married with kids!"

"Lori, he runs from things..."

She frowned at Janet. "No, he's not ready for that, if he doesn't want those things he shouldn't be forced to give them." She hissed back defending Aubrey. "You can't force marriage and children on a person!"

Janet shrugged and rolled her eyes. "I guess."

"Ugh, you sound like my mother!"

"Ouch! That hurt! Of all the bat shit crazy women you could compare me too... you pick her!?"

"Well if the shoe fits..."

"Ok ok ok..." Janet stopped walking and pulled at Lori's to stop her. "I don't know Aubrey the way you do... or as much as you know about him so far... I know he's your man... or owner... I don't fucking know what he is but I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off judgmental"

Aubrey's Playground Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon