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Aubrey pulled his sweatshirt over his head and tossed it across the room to a distant chair. Lori stared up at him, admiring the towering figure that stood in front of her.

"No playroom?" She asked with a curious grin.

"You can pick one of two options. I can blindfold you and we can go into the playroom here or I can enjoy you right here with no blindfold and you can watch me as I enjoy you." He stared down at her waiting as she thought to herself. He reached for the button on his jeans then zipped down the zipper, they remained sitting around his waist, keeping his eyes on her as he did this.

"I want to stay here..." She quietly informed him. Her eyes still trailed down his body unable to pull them from his pelvic area, she enjoyed watching him undress, a usual task he had done by his sub but there was a small urge to tease her, draw out her permission to touch him.

He stepped back to the chair in the corner of the room and sat down unbothered by the bunched up sweatshirt he now sat on. "Get undressed." He ordered softly but firmly. Lori's hesitation was nonexistent, she eagerly stood up and reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it up her torso. "Slowly." He said as he made himself comfortable, slouching into the chair, his legs spread further apart, and his elbows resting along the arms of the chair. Lori slowed herself upon his request and tossed the shirt to the bed, her leggings slowly trailed her legs. "Turn around." She followed his order and allowed him visual access to the back of her body. Aubrey let out a muffled groan clearing his throat, he cracked the knuckles of his uninjured hand as he watched her bend over to pull the legging from her feet, her underwear followed, revealing everything he had already taken a lustful liking to. "Come here." She tiptoed and stood between his legs, he sat up, coming face to face with her pelvic bone, he pressed his lips to her skin and trailed his tongue across the length of her waist. Her hands balled into fists, Aubrey looked at them out the corner of her eyes, smirking as she was controlling her urges to not place her hands to his head and caress him. His licking turned back into kisses, he slid his hand between her legs and gripped at the inside of her thigh, her moans were quiet and airy as he gripped and massaged the inside of her thigh. "Wait here."

Aubrey stood up and made his way towards the bedroom door, leaving her alone. As soon as his hands left her body she missed them, his effect on her was inpatient, she couldn't wait for him to get back. He returned to the room, he was quiet but his presence spoke loudly, she looked down at his hand, his fingers wrapped securely around dark cordage, he stared at her from a distance, she clenched her teeth and pushed down the lump in her throat. He slowly walked over to her, his jeans still sitting low on his waist, revealing the veins that trailed down his lower pelvis. He reached his injured hand out to her and her hesitation reared its ugly head, she wasn't scared of him, it was more of the unknown, she had an idea of what the rope was for but how would she be tied up this time. He frowned and squinted his almond-shaped eyes at her, she swallowed again and quickly reached for his hand, praying that hesitation wasn't going to cost her anything.

He pulled her in front of him and lightly forced her to the bed, he squatted down in front of her. "You remember your word?"

"Yes, sir."

He looked up at her as he reached for one of the long pieces of rope. "You will remember to use it when you are uncomfortable?"

"Yes, sir."

He placed the rope under her right thigh making sure it was even at both ends. This was his usual talk, he always made sure to remind her of this out of fear that she would do whatever he wanted even if she didn't like or feel comfortable with it and that was not what Aubrey wanted from her. He grabbed her wrist and laid her arm along the top of her thigh. "Knowing you will not be punished for using it or for stopping me?"

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