Night with a wolf

Start from the beginning

There was a low thumping noise and I looked around for what it was, my eyes stopped on a something moving behind the wolf. Its tail was wagging! I was in love with this wolf. “You are mega cute!” I cooed at it. “Can I keep you?” It would be so much fun to see people’s faces when they see my pet wolf. I hope it will bite Mikes butt away from me. It did that low grumbling wolf laugh again. I don’t know how Charlie would react to a wolf in my bedroom though.

I didn’t know what else to do with the wolf. It was just sitting wagging its tail as I stared at it. The wolf let out a soft whine and lay down, putting his head between his paws. “Aww, what’s the matter?” I called to it; my voice was quiet so I didn’t wake Charlie. It let out a little cry. I wanted to run over and hug it. I got of the window and the wolf jumped up crying again. Does he not want me to go? “Stay, I’m coming down” at my words the wolf’s tail started wagging again; I swear his tongue was hanging out off his mouth.

I closed the window quietly and grabbed my coat, tip toeing down the stairs. I grabbed the keys and waited for a minute to see if Charlie was moving. The house was silent. When I got to the side of the house, were my window was facing, the wolf was still there. It was massive, bigger than a horse. I knew it was big but being so close to it really showed its size. It wasn’t looking at me but had its head down and pawing at the ground. Can a wolf be nervous? As I walked closer I could see it was a russet brown colour.

I stopped a few feet away from it. Its gigantic head moved so it was staring at me. I swear I recognised those eyes but I couldn’t peg who they reminded me off. I lifted a hand without realising it and placed it on it chest, just below its chin. The fur was soft and matted with mud. It made a grumbling noise and lowered it self down so I could put a hand on its head.

Every time my hand touched him a jolt of electricity flowed threw me, like what it used to do with Jacob. Strangely it didn’t hurt to think off him.

I don’t know how long I was stroking the wolf for but somehow I ended up sitting on the ground with its head on my lap. The sky was getting brighter and I had no sleep. I needed to get into the house before Charlie woke up. I tried to move back but the sleeping wolf on my legs was hard to get away from. I gently pushed its head but it didn’t move. I pushed harder but it wasn’t working at all.

“Move you fat dog” I whisper yelled at it while still pushing its head.

It growled a little before moving his head onto me more.

“No, the other way!” I continue pushing and slowly one of his eyes opened.

“Well good morning, now please move your head” It quickly jumped up. Standing up my self I brushed off my legs.

“I have to go in” I told it. If anyone else could see this they would think I was mad.

It whined a little before nodding its head. I walked closer to it and wrapped my arms around its neck. It was like a living radiator, no wonder I wasn’t cold threw the night. Pulling back I stroked its head for the last time and went back into the house. My chest was long forgotten, it had taken away the pain. I looked out my bedroom window as the wolf ran back into the forest. It seemed happier as well. Hopefully it won’t start its howling again.

I looked at the clock, half five, another hour or so off sleep. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

Friday morning I was exhausted. I should have gone to sleep like the wolf did. I’m not going to tell anybody about last night. It would just make me seem crazy. Who in the right mind talks to wolves?

“I can’t wait until schools over” Angela called at me as soon as I drove into the schools parking lot. I laughed at her enthusiasm “Its going to be amazing.

“Its only a sleepover Angela”

“ but I haven’t had one in years”  I rolled my eyes. “Put your bags in my truck”

She nodded and threw her clothes bag in the front and turned to smile at me again.

“You’re in a good mood this morning?” She looked over me.

I frowned at her “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing, its just good to see”

School for once was fun. I was in a good mood and even Mikes flirting didn’t get me down.

“Why are you so happy?” Mike questioned as we walked to the parking lot. Angela went to her locker to get her books for the weekend so that just left me and him.

“Why does everyone keep asking that?” Angela kept mentioning it threw the day and even a few teachers commented. To be honest it was getting annoying.

He shrugged “I haven’t seen you so happy since… you know”

I only nodded.

We reached my truck and said a quick bye. I turned the cab heating on while I waited on Angela. I asked Charlie yesterday afternoon if it was ok for her to stay and he happily agreed. He said something about good to see me being social again.

 Angela pulled me out off my thoughts as she slammed the truck door. “Let’s get this party started” she sang.

I don’t think this chapter is that good; I had no idea what to do with the wolf. In the next chapter she talks to Jake. I don’t want to give anything away so you’re going to have to wait! Bad news though :L Big exams coming in a few weeks and I’m being forced to revise so no uploading for maybe a month or more… I’m sorry I just want to do well in these! Wish me Luck!! X

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