Doing a Prism Live!

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Ichigo's pov

I'm so very very happy that Me,Saki and Nagisa won the Topaz Cup and got the Premium Divine Necklace!.

Yosh,I'm going to do my best to be the best Prism Star!.

I was at the cafeteria with Saki,Nagisa and Angie,I hummed happily while going to PrismTube on my IPad.

"Ichigo,why are you humming so happily?"Angie asked me.

"Oh,nothing. Just happy,that's all"I answered her with a smile on my face.

"Lemme guess,You're happy because we won the Topaz Cup and got the Premium Divine Necklace,right"Saki grinned.

I nodded and took a bite of my french toast.

Then my eyes twinkled with stars as I saw a video about Ayase Naru .

"Yatta!,I found a video about Ayase Naru!. Kira☆Happy!"I pressed on the video and the video starts.

"Let us see too!"Saki said as She,Nagisa and Angie stood behind me to watch the video with me.

"Minna,Konichiwa!. Ayase Naru-desu!. Dear Crown will be releasing a summer clothes collection. It'll be a wonderful experience for you all. Come to Omotesandõ to see it!,I can't definitely  wait for it!. Bye! Bye!,Happy Naru!"Naru-san said and the video ended.

"Did you heard that?,Omotesandõ's Dear Crown will be releasing a summer clothes collection!"I said with enthusiasm.

"We HAVE to go there ,the day after"Saki said.

Nagisa nodded in agreement with Saki.

"It's been a while since we went to Omotesandõ for Happy Rain's and Bell Rose's  Prism Shows".

"Then it's decided,Kira☆Happy!"I pumped my fist up in the air.

"Hai,Nijino-san!"Tachibana-sensei said,playing a tune on the keyboard.

We were practicing on our vocals, Nagisa was good at this because she loved to play instruments and loved to sing when we were little.

That's why many many our classmates from the kindergarten, Elementary school and Middle School admired  her.

I started to sing,till I coughed all of the sudden.

"Nijino-san. What's wrong?"Tachibana-san asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing's wrong,Tachibana-san.  Just a cough,that's all".

"If you say so. Let's try again,shall we?"Tachibana-san said and I nodded before singing again without coughing again.

"You did good,Ichigo"Berri told me, handing me my pink water bottle , after Me,Saki,Nagisa and Angie ran many rounds on the training field.

"A-arigato..."I take the bottle and drank water from it.

"Come think of it,remember that Renjouji Bell became Prism Queen and beat Amou June?"Nagisa brings up the moment that Bell Rose's Bell Renjouji did 7 Prism Jumps and became Prism Queen.

"Yeah,I was so happy for her!. She's so beautiful out there"Saki said.

"Poor Wakana-san. She wanted to jump her 7th jump but failed and her wings faded.."I looked down on the ground.

"And Naru-san cried on stage...".

Silence filled the audience till I broke it with my enthusiasm.

"But don't worry,She was happy again and continued with her Prism Show!".

"That's right,everything went ok after that"Saki smiled.

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