Ichigo vs Hiromi!,A Idol Battle!

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No one's pov

Ichigo went in a hurry to the third floor,taking a elevator which is the fastest way to get there  ,she has overslept a bit till Berri had to wake her up with her shouting.

'Lucky that Berri shouted to wake me up or else I would have overslept'Ichigo thought as the elevator arrived at the third floor and suddenly she bumped into someone.

"Ah!. Gomenasai!"Ichigo bowed while apologizing.

"Ah,It's okay"said a familiar voice to her and Ichigo looks up to see Haruto smiling at her.

"H-haruto!?"She stuttered a bit.


"Ohayo,Ichigo. Hurry or you'll be late" Haruto said.

"Ah,right!. See you later then!"Ichigo smiled and went to the classroom.

Haruto watches her go and smiles while shaking his head.

Ichigo got into the class in time,Saki and Nagisa  sighed in relief,they were probably waiting for Ichigo the whole time.

"Nijino-san,that was a close call. You're safe"said the teacher to Ichigo.

"Hehehehehe. Arigato Gozaimasu"Ichigo thanked the teacher while sheepishly laughing.

"She's a Prism Star and she came almost late. Pathetic,hmph"Hiromi hmphed as she stared at Ichigo with a disgusted mean girl look on her face.

"Ah,let her be, Hiromi. Everyone has a personality"Grace told her with a grin.

Mimina nodded in agreement with Grace.

At the ice rink,Ichigo was contracting on her balance with skating,Hiromi was watching her and thought:'I cannot believe that I'm seeing this'.

Then Ichigo began tremble,which makes losing her balance and slips out.

Before she could fall,she felt two strong arms around her and helped her up back on her feet.

She sees Haruto behind her,smiling at her.

"H-haruto.."Ichigo blushes a bit.

"Be careful,Ichigo. You could probably hurt yourself"Haruto petted on her head,which makes Ichigo blush even harder.

"I-i should be extra be careful next time.. Arigato for warning me,Haruto"Ichigo said.

"No problem. Here,let me help you" Haruto grabbed both of Ichigo's hands and helped her with balancing on ice .

A fiery aura surrounded Hiromi and had devil shaped horns on her head and steam came out of her ears. She loves her brother but shouts at him if he gets closer to Ichigo or at Ichigo if she gets closer to him.

"Hmmm~!. That was some delicious lunch!"Ichigo said as she,Saki and Nagisa was in a gazebo.

"Nijino Ichigo!"they heard Hiromi's voice from afar and saw Hiromi,Grace and Mimina walking towards to them.

"What you girls want?"Saki asked with a annoyed tone in her voice.

"I wasn't talking to you,I was talking Nijino-san"Hiromi said,glaring to Saki which Saki does the same to her.

"Ma,ma. Let's not fight,ok?"Nagisa sweatdropped,don't wanting any drama today.

"Nijino Ichigo!,"Hiromi began.

"H-hai?!"Ichigo sweatdropped.

Then Hiromi pointed her finger at her,which let Ichigo an another sweatdrop.

Pretty Rhythm:Sweet Paradise!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora