"Sorry, I took long. My fiancee is stubborn and never listens to me." Shadow took a seat. "So she is your biological daughter?"

"Yes." I whispered. I can't risk anyone else to hear me and tell Simon the truth. 

"She is adorable. I am thinking of having a daughter but I don't think my fiancee likes children." She mumbled.

"I am sure when you two get married, he will change his mind." I smiled at her. "So how did your fiancee meet my daughter?"

"Oh, he almost bump----." Angel looked at her angry and she stopped talking. Why does everyone have to be scared of her?

"Please tell me." I begged and she kept looking at Angel, scratching her head. "Angel, I will ground you if you don't let Shadow tell me the truth, so please stop giving her that look."

"Okay, mommy." Angel gave me a fake smile and the waitress came with our food. "Thank you." Angel was the first one to thank her.

"How did you know I like cheeseburgers?" Shadow looked at me confused.

"I know." Angel quickly replied. "Mom said if someone is like you then they will like the same things as you." I was just trying to get her to wear her clothes that day that is the only reason I told her that nonsense.

"Well then, your mother is just like my fiancee." Shadow giggled and I gave Angel my tablet to play with. I know once Angel puts on her earphones she will never care about anyone else except her cartoons. "Anyways I need tips from you so my daughter can be as amazing as her." She said and we started eating. "I can't wait to have my own daughter."

"You love being a mother." I mumbled, as tears formed in my eyes. 

"I would do anything to become a mother." 

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Twenty-four." She smiled. 

"I am twenty-three and I got pregnant with my daughter when I was only eighteen. Angel is amazing but it's not a good thing to have a child if you and your partner are not on the same page or else you will have regrets. Angel is adorable but her father and I had our difference. He wanted a baby and I didn't but now he is a free man and I am happy with my daughter." 

"But she said you live with her father." Shadow said and my heart started beating fast. I can't believe I was crazy enough to tell her the truth.

"That was before she was born. The day she was born, he returned and told me he regrets leaving me." Please believe me Shadow, please believe me for everyone's happiness.

"That's so cute." She replied. "Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I have faith that my soon to be husband will accept my child when I get pregnant."

"But you said he didn't want children." 

"Your husband also didn't want children but he changed his mind after he saw his daughter.  I am sure my husband will also do the same." I can't believe one lie is going to destroy this girl's life.

"I know that worked for me but it doesn't mean it will work for you too. Shadow, please don't make the mistake of thinking your fiancee won't leave you if you get pregnant. I swear, being the only parents isn't as amazing as it looks. It's hard, especially if you a woman." I have to stay away from her or else I will ruin her life. 

"You are a funny woman. I won't do it, just relax please." She giggled and I turned to Angel.

"Angel, you feel sleepy?" I questioned, taking her earphones off. 

"Yes, mommy." She yawned and I took my purse out. 

"No, I will pay please." Shadow said and I picked Angel up.

"You already looked after my daughter, I can't let you pay." I replied and put the money on the table. "Take care of yourself and thank you again, for everything." I left the restaurant and started looking for a cab. I have to buy my own car very soon. I can't keep taking cabs everywhere.

I called Simon and he answered his phone.

"Simon, I know we have a meeting at one but I don't think I will make it in time. I can't find a cab and Angel is fast asleep."

"I will send my driver, send me the location." He disconnected the call and before I could send my location to him someone grabbed the phone out of my hand. 

"Don't move." The man pointed a gun at me. "There is no one here so don't even think of creating a scene."

"What do you want from me?" I questioned. I hope my Angel doesn't wake up now.

"Just come with us and I promise I won't hurt you." He said. "Get in the car." He snapped.

"Why?" I asked and he grabbed my hand. A couple of other man came out of the car and tried to force me to get in the car. "Let me go." I tried my best to break free from them and Angel woke up.

"Hey, didn't you hear what she said." Shadow shouted and one of them ran to get her. "I will shoot if you don't let her go." Shadow warned them after beating the guy up. 

"Let my mommy go." Angel started to bite them but then a gun went off. "Angel." I checked my daughter and she was totally fine. I turned around and Shadow was on the floor. The kidnappers all ran away and I ran to Shadow.

-  -    -   -   -  - 

Third person's POV.

"Liam crossed me, I hope you took care of his little ex-girlfriend or else you will die." Peter laughed. "I can't wait to see him beg for the life of his girlfriend."

"Boss we shot her." The man said and Peter got up angry.

"You did what?" He threw the glass at the wall. "Listen, you better pray Liam's ex-girlfriend doesn't die or else you are all dead. I want to use that girl to get to him and if she dies, I won't have any power on Liam."

"Boss we didn't shoot Stacey, we shot another girl." The man stated.

"I don't care about that other girl. If she dies, it's her own fault but make sure I get Stacey Salvatore, alive."

"Yes, boss. I will make another plan to kidnap her." He said.

"Just make sure your plan doesn't include my little brother. I don't want Simon to be involved in this. He is a clean businessman and he never ones killed anyone so never talk to him about these things."

"Yes, boss." He quickly left Peter's office. 

"One way or another, you will return my things and you will apologize to me. I swear on my dead mother's grave and my brother that you will beg me Liam and I will make sure I show you who is boss. Today was just the beginning, I didn't succeed in my plan but when I do I promised you, you will kneel down before me and when that day comes, I will have no mercy on you."

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