Were. She almost grimaced at that one word. Charlotte couldn't blame him really, he hadn't seen her in what could be forever but where it was a hundred and forty years of glory and vampirism for him, it was a torturous while for her. Some think desiccation is like falling asleep for a long while, Charlotte didn't think that at all.

She felt the time pass by her as her veins froze over and the color left her skin. It was torture. She wasn't sure if Katherine did that to starve her to death or was it because the doppelganger knew that she would never complete the transition. Either way, she was starved underground for decades and decades.

That was painful, she could wholeheartedly admit so but seeing the love of her life admit that she was no longer his...that struck harder than any starvation or desiccation could. Stefan Salvatore was the one who showed her what love really is and the worst pain she could possibly imagine was him, looking at her with no love in his eyes.

"Did she compel you to fall in love with her doppelganger now?" Charlotte collected herself together and asked.

Stefan shook his head, sitting down on some rock beside her, "I don't love Elena because she looks like Katherine."

"I will admit, she is identical to Katherine and that drew me in at first but...," Stefan paused, trailing off, "What made me stay is how she acted, she reminded me of you. She is selfless, compassionate, full of life...Everything that you are."

"What luck you have there," Charlotte beamed with fake enthusiasm, "Special girl, admirable personality. Must be amazing to be you, now."

"Charlotte...I know that you can't forgive me but if it makes you feel better, I never wanted for this to happen," He sighed as she looked down at her hands, nodding, "I never wanted to lose you and I still don't."

"Alright, okay," She nodded, rising to her feet as she took in a deep breath, "Well, now that this is out of the way. I need your help."

"I want to learn how to defend myself and Damon thinks the best way is to kill someone," Charlotte started, placing her hands on her hips, "I can't do that, you know I can't."

"I will help you," Stefan nodded, standing up, "But if it comes down to it and it's a vampire then you will have to do it, for yourself, not anyone."

"Well, I am hoping it doesn't come down to that," She sighed, unfolding her arms, "Oh, and there's something else."

✵ ✵

In the Bernard household and on their classically designed dining table, sat Charlotte, Cassie, Serena, and Nana Izzie Bernard. It was an invitation Serena presented long ago and no matter how many times Charlotte tried to walk out of it, there she was.

"So, Charlotte, you were born in Mystic Falls?" Nana Izzie, formally known as the eldest living Bernard, Izadora, questioned.

Charlotte sighed, smiling, "Yes, but my parents didn't like small towns so we moved around a lot," She answered perfectly, according to her sit-down with Stefan and him providing her with the best answers, knowing that that get-together was going to happen sooner or later and they both rather sooner which was then.

"Hmm, so where are they now?" The eldest of the group asked, motioning for Serena to pass her the salt, "And what are their names?"

"Um... my parents passed away in an accident. Angie and Paul, these were their names," Charlotte kept her composure as she answered and took a sip of orange juice.

"So they went up to the sky? Like our dad?" Cassie questioned, leaning her face on her hand.

"Yeah, Cassie. They are in a better place with Dad," Serena answered, putting the spoon in front of her mouth to eat up.

Cassie sighed, talking with food in her mouth, "Why do all the people we love go to better places...why can't they stay here?"

"Because when they do what they are meant to, it's time for their gift which is peace," Charlotte stated as Cassie turned to her with wonder filling her eyes.

"So my dad got his gift?"

"Yes, honey," Nana Izzie answered that once, "And I am sure it was spectacular. He is my great-grandchild so he had done nothing but the best of the best."

"So, your full name is Charlotte Bernard?" Nana Izzie turned to the vampire once again as she nodded in confirmation, "Are you sure about that?"

"Positive," The brunette nodded, crossing her arms, "Why do you ask?"

"Because I know there has only ever been two Charlottes in the entire family bloodline," Nana Izzie said as Charlotte gulped, her hand moving to clutch her daylight necklace to assure herself it was fine, "The last was my younger sister who died years ago."

"As for the first, she ran away from her family till they had no hope but to assume her dead and run an empty casket funeral," She revealed as Charlotte's eyes brimmed with tears, threatening to fall.

"Well, I guess that makes me Charlotte Bernard the third," The brunette vampire shrugged her shoulders.

"Indeed it does."

✵ ✵

Later that night when Charlotte had gone home and Nana Izzie tucked her great-great-granddaughters in bed, she walked downstairs and into the basement.

Holding back a cough as the dust in the old basement filled her lungs. She moved a few boxes away, stopping at one. Labeled as 'Bernard Photography'.

The old woman opened the first page, finding the pictures of her ancestors, she turned another page to stop at the warm family picture where the Bernard sisters stood.

Emmeline, Fallon, and Charlotte Bernard standing in order respectively to their ages. Nana Izzie shook her head, grabbing a magnifying glass as she took a closer look at Charlotte's face, finding it identical to that of the teenage girl who had just left her house.

"Well, that is unexpected."

She put the book back in the box, closing it up with tape before she rushed downstairs and grabbed Serena's phone off the dining table.

"Liz, I need to talk to you. I can't do it on the phone."

✵ ✵

✵ ✵ ✵

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