Autumn Leaves

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Lukas was sitting on his porch, his hand resting underneath his chin as he gazed into the distance.

The sun was rising and he watched in astonishment.

His journal was beside him, scattered notes, poems, and others things lay inside of the small book.

His mind was constantly swirling with new ideas and he never seemed to be able to focus on just one project as he was always eager to start with the new ideas that came into his mind.

The wind made his golden locks sway gently and he brought his mug close to his parted lips.

"Dude, you are a nerd I swear."

Lukas jumped and dropped his mug which landed on his leg and toppled over.

Iced coffee was now on his porch and seeped into the cracks.

"Come on! Look at what you made me do," Lukas pouted.

"Oh quit your whinging ya big baby," Petra said as she walked over to Lukas, with her golden sword in her soft hand.

Lukas frowned, "Wel-"

Petra quickly grabbed the blonde's hand before she could be nagged any further and dragged him along.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" He said unsteadily, as he struggled to maintain his balance.

"Don't worry about it," Petra said simply.

The lavish grass was crushed by Petra's tactical boots and Lukas who was helpless in this situation couldn't help but wish he had a restraining order against Petra at the moment (and mainly because she always dragged him into something deadly against his will).


Lukas had his hands resting on his knees as he breathed heavily.

"Wow, you're really out of shape," Petra said her eyebrows raised as she glanced at Lukas earnestly.

"Shut up," Lukas said quickly, "Y....You.... Practically dragged me here."

"And?" Petra said as Lukas glared at her for a moment before sighing quietly.

"Never mind," He said as he stood up straight, "Anyways what is this place?"

"Eh, just a spot I so happened to find during my travels," Petra said softly.

"Oh.. Well this place is cool," Lukas said, nodding his head as he placed his hands on his hips.

Tall trees with vibrant orange leaves loomed over them and a lake near by glistened as the sun beamed down upon it.

"So.. How's mayor Jesse?" Petra asked gently.

"She's good," Lukas said as he crossed his arms over his chest, "She misses you a lot though and she can't seem to stop talking about you either."

"Really?" Petra inquired, clearly surprised.

"What do you mean by that really," Lukas said firmly, "Of course she misses you after all y'all are close friends."

"Yeah, guess you have a point there," Petra said.

"Y'know everyone misses you," Lukas admitted.

"Oh yeah...," Petra said as she gazed at her reflection in the water, "Well... I miss everyone too, that's why I came here."

"Aw someone's finally expressing her feelings?" Lukas said with an adorable smile as he cocked his head to the side. Petra grit her teeth as she became slightly triggered.

"Hey!" She whipped her head so fast and glared daggers at Lukas and exclaimed, "Watch it!"

Lukas laughed and said lightheartedly, "It's nothing to be ashamed about y'know."

"I know that, but still! Keep talking and I'll give you a knuckle sandwich," Petra said quickly.

"Ok ok I'll stop," Lukas said as he raised his hands in defense.

The trees swayed as the wind blew and orange leaves fluttered in the swift breezes.

"Heh, autumn sure came fast," Lukas commented as he glanced at up the tall trues.

"Yeah," Petra said as she adjusted her bandana, "Anyway I didn't bring you here just to have small talk alright... I actually want to tell you something... Important."

"Huh," Lukas muttered, as he stood besides Petra, "Is something wrong?"

She took a shaky breath and nodded briefly.


Petra bit her bottom lip and her heart pounded quickly.

"I...," She trailed off, glancing down.

"Take your time," Lukas said soothingly.

"By the end of Autumn I'll pass away," Petra said meekly.

"Wait what!?" Lukas exclaimed, his eyes widening, that was near.

"I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness Lukas," She said, tears forming in her eyes, "That's why I've been around a lot more."

Lukas stood as frozen as a statue, "W-Why... Didn't you say anything e-earlier?" He stammered.

"Because I didn't want to worry you," Petra stated simply.

Lukas quickly pulled her in for a consoling hug and held her like never before.

"...I... Never thought I'd lose a friend this young," He muttered softly.

His eyes were full of fear and he struggled to fully comprehend what Petra had told him.

"Just like the seasons come and go Lukas, so will I and before you know it the season will fly by...," Petra said before trailing off as she wrapped her arms around his back.

"..I don't even know how to tell Jesse about this... You know how she is when it comes to friends," Petra admitted gently.

"We'll figure it out," Lukas said, as the two pulled away from the hug.

The strong warrior wiped a tear from her glistening eye and whispered softly, "Yeah, I guess we will huh."


Along with the autumn leaves that were losing their vibrant orange color, so had Petra as she became visibly paler.

Soon enough, just as she had said, the rest of fall had flew by and so did she.

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