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Her hoarse voice echoed across the quiet hall. Her slow pace and easygoing stride seemed rather forced. Her warm hands gently rubbed her puffy red eyes as she paced around. A lump in her throat leisurely tightened as she glanced wearily at her reflection in the shattered mirror. Her heart began pounding hastily when she glanced at the faded scars lining up and down her pale wrists.

She quickly glanced down at the floor and fragments of herself stared back at her in the broken mirror. She leaned against the wall while a defeated sigh escaped her dainty lips. She ran her soft fingers through her disheveled umber hair which was everywhere to say the least. The messy locks were covering her umber eyes and wrinkles etched her forehead.

Stern gazes mixed with flashing lights was already a bad sign. Chatter both large and small spread throughout the crowd rapidly almost like a wildfire.

"What do you think she has done?" The people whispered.

Jesse walked slowly with her head bowed low. The silver chains that glimmered in the beaming sunlight, jingled rather blatantly. Her umber locks of hair dangled in front of her. She dared not glance up because she knew she would be met with those gazes that were merely filled with so much disgust.

"Ma'am I wou-"

"I am not open to answering questions," Jesse snapped.

Without any hesitation, Jesse threw the sharp shard at the mirror furiously before falling to her knees. The cracking of the glass haunted her ears as the cracked mirror fell to pieces. "How could they have done this to me," She wailed as she bit her trembling bottom lip. "What the hell did I do to deserve this." A tear slipped from her watery eye before she sniffed. She glanced up at the shattered mirror briefly meeting her lowered, yet fierce gaze.

A bang could be heard and immediately the chatter died down. The crowd stilled for a moment. Frantic screams could be heard and Jesse glanced behind her. Her mouth opened and her cheeks raised a little. The officer that had been guiding Jesse lay on the ground as blood spilled from a gunshot wound. More bangs soon followed and more officers that had been surrounding Jesse quickly dropped dead.

"What the hell Jesse," Someone bellowed as they took a hold of Jesse's hand and yanked her roughly. She stumbled and gasped for air for a while. 

Jesse lowered her gaze from the mirror and repetitively said, "I did not know. I am so sorry, but I did not know." Her face scrunched up while she began tugging on her thick hair. "If only I knew...," She muttered as a helpless feeling sunk down into her chest.

"Do not what the hell me," Jesse said once she caught her breath. She eventually ended up sprinting to a white pick-up truck, not too far from the crime scene.

"You owe me big time," Petra said sternly, her dark brown eyes flashing to a faint golden color. "Yeah, yeah yeah," Jesse mumbled gently, "I know I know."

Petra could not help but roll her eyes. She started driving off fairly quickly, surpassing the speed-limit in just a few mere moments.

Jesse breathed heavily while her chest rose and fell often. She shook her head as that feeling of helpless only grew more and more overwhelming. "If only..."

"If only you did not get caught Jesse," Petra said sassily while shaking her head steadily, "This mission of ours would have been a hell of a lot easier you know." As Petra blended in with other vehicles she drove normally and stopped at the red stoplight. "Well I'm sorry that-"

"Put your hands up now!" A police officer bellowed their weapon right in Petra's face. Jesse's eyes widened quickly. Where did he even come from? We only stopped for a moment. Petra raised her hands up hesitantly and Jesse followed suit. Though, it was at that moment that a car speeding across the intersection crashed into another vehicle before spinning. In a panic, the officer pulled the trigger as the medium-sized car crashed straight into Petra's vehicle which striked the officer as a result. The vehicle spun hastily and roughly hit a pole shattering a window. 

Jesse groaned softly and the shattered glass pricked the palms of her hands. Her vision tilted and spun leisurely. "....Petra," Jesse said softly as she exhaled heavily while putting her hand to her head. No response...

"Petra?" Jesse said faintly as she wearily turned to face Petra's direction. Jesse shook Petra's arm roughly as blood began forming and running down the side of her forehead.

"Jess.." Jesse perked up attentively, "Oh Petra.." Petra coughed before groaning, "You... need to," Sirens started to go off in the distance, "Get out of here." "But what abo-" "I will be fine," Petra said frailly, "It is not me they are looking... f..for." Jesse gulped hesitantly and took a shaky deep breath. She knew that she was right. Jesse furrowed her brow and Petra did not give her another second to waste, "Go," She said weakly.

With great reluctance, Jesse got out of the white pick-up truck weakly. She darted the opposite way from where they had come from and darted into the vast woods. Which was kind of hard to do when you had chains dangling from your wrists and ankles, but somehow, she managed to pull herself together and make it to the outskirts of the forest. Jesse leaned against a tree wearily gazing at the vehicle Petra was in worriedly. "What the... hell," She said before covering her face with her arm as a bright light blinded her momentarily and as her ears rung almost instantly. She squeezed her eyes shut and after a minute or two she opened them only to see fire billowing in the distance. "Wait... no," Jesse muttered in disbelief as she saw the vehicles destroyed and in pieces and the streets collapsing. "Petra was...," Jesse shook her head slowly as her hand slowly cupped her mouth, "There."

Tears rolled down Jesse's cheeks, "If only you were not in the vehicle... I should have stayed with you," She said grimly as her brows furrowed and as she wiped the tears falling from her face. "I am so," Her voice cracked as she lowered her gaze, "Sorry." She grasped her messy hair as a sharp pang settled into her chest. A pang of unbearable guilt, "I deserved to die that day not you... You did nothing wrong," She breathed unsteadily while she glanced up at an old photo of her and Petra smiling happily. "I miss you so much," Jesse breathed weakly as she shakily muttered, "I really do."

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