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Darkness settled over the icy room and Jesse shuddered uneasily as the heavy silver chains rattled. He huffed faintly as locks of his disheveled hair dangled loosely in front of his umber eyes.

Jesse breathed heavily as his back seemingly burned almost as if a fire had been lit. He groaned painfully as he clenched his teeth together slowly. All of a sudden, a window burst open and chilly air made its way into the dark room. Jesse's body trembled swiftly as he shuddered repetitively.

"Who are you?" A voice whispered. Jesse glanced up quickly and the chains around him rattled gently. His throat tightened and his heavy breaths constricted almost instantly. "Who... Am I?" Jesse said quietly as his gaze bore into glowing scarlet eyes.

Romeo heaved his broad arms over his puffed out chest and allowed a smug smirk to curl upon his lips. Jesse exhaled slowly while Romeo messed with the heavy lock and chains dangling loosely around Jesse's neck.

"It has been awhile has it not," Romeo said faintly, "My champion..." He trailed off as the wind howled with eloquent grace. "You are looking helpless... as always."

Jesse gazed up at the admin while his umber eyes drooped. "You.... Will not," Jesse grunted, "Succeed." The admin roughly tugged on Jesse's chains which brought him to his knees. "Tsk you are still so insolent," Romeo said calmly while tilting his head to one side slowly, "It is funny really, but you will learn soon enough that holding your tongue is better than speaking."

Jesse groaned loudly as the admin roughly tugged on Jesse's shaggy hair. "You are absolutely nothing," Romeo taunted as he started walking around Jesse while holding the chains loosely. An image of Petra appeared before Jesse. Sweat rolled down the back of Jesse's neck as he wearily shifted.

"You failed her," Romeo whispered faintly, "How could you?"

"Ugh," Petra groaned peevishly, while she tossed her golden glistening sword to the ground with ease. "After everything we did together how could he just leave me out here!" She threw her arms into the air before huffing loudly. "What a disappointment," She said blaringly as she sunk into the depths of the snow as the crackling fire died out.

"To think she could have possibly ever loved you to begin with," Romeo chuckled briefly as his right grasp on the chains loosened, "How foolish of you!"

Jesse breathed slowly as his heart rate gradually increased. "Do not say that," Jesse growled while he grit his teeth. "She," His voice cracked as Romeo interrupted, "She never loved you. She never has and never will."

Romeo clasped his hands together as a tear rolled down Jesse's cheek as he felt a sharp pang in his chest. "You know, you have had a habit of failing those around you," He said quietly as another image appeared before Jesse.

"Reuben," Jesse muttered under his breath as he watched his own best friend falling endlessly. "If only...," Romeo whispered, "What if?" Thoughts raced through Jesse's mind. What if I did not get the pickaxe from Reuben? Would he still be...

"It is all your fault Jesse. You are weak and are nothing but a coward. Why did you even want him to give you the pickaxe?" Romeo said harshly as he kicked Jesse hastily. Jesse groaned before completely collapsing to the ground. "I hope losing him was worth it to you." The admin exhaled, "You are nothing," He spat before he scowling deeply, "Absolutely nothing."

Jesse held or attempted to hold his throbbing head, but it was to no avail as the chains firmly held him back. Jesse coughed roughly while the admins glowing irises flashed eerily infront of Jesse again and again.

"Jesse!" Olivia exclaimed, her brows arched. Jesse scrambled backwards only to be met with soft pillows and chains wrapped around his wrists. "Huh..." Jesse dazedly glanced around as he examined the medical supplies around him. " are," His voice trembled as his bottom lip quavered uncontrollably, "N..not going to hurt me?"

Olivia crossed her arms over her chest before taking off her scarlet beanie hesitantly, "Jesse of course not," She said soothingly while brushing his dangling hair from his bruised face. "Why would I ever hurt you?"

Jesse gasped heavily as all of a sudden he felt a sharp object collide with his side and once again he was met with those glowing eyes. "Jesse what is wrong?" The admin whispered tauntingly, "Having a little trouble champion."

"I... Am not your champion," Jesse said weakly while holding his side. "Jesse who are you talking to?" Olivia said worriedly. "The...the admin," He mumbled as loose locks of his thick hair fell between his umber eyes.

"Jesse...," Olivia trailed off as she gazed at Jesse sincerely, "You cannot be possibly seeing Romeo." Jesse's brows furrowed while Olivia crossed her arms over the other. "What do you mean he's ri-"

"He is dead, Jesse." She said plainly while Jesse gazed directly into Romeo's glowing eyes.

"What no he is right there-"
"He died 3 years ago..."

Jesse watched as the admin giggled manically before he shushed Jesse. He held his finger to his mouth before fading away into the darkness. "But he is still alive I... I know it," Jesse said firmly, his eyes widening slowly. "My... Champion," The admin mumbled faintly. "No it can not be!"

"He is alive," Jesse said loudly, "He showed me all these things. He he.. showed me Petra and-"

"But he died... Jesse in your own arms. I saw the whole thing go done." Jesse shook his head and his loose curls bounced.

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