Finding Time (2)

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Jesse Pov:

Lukas and I were at Ivor's lava house. I couldn't believe it, Petra was died. Lukas and I were trying to keep our spirits high.

Lukas knocked on the door his eyes brimmed with tears, threatening to escape. After a few moments Ivor opened the door. He wore his long green robe and his hands were to his sides. "Come in," Ivor said as he walked closer to the door to let us in. 

Lukas and I walked in. Lukas sat on Ivor's couch and I leaned against a wall crossing my arms. "So, what brings you two here?" Ivor asked. "Have you heard about the recent news." Lukas said his voice cracking.

"Yes, unfortunately yes." Ivor replied. "We were wondering if you had something that could help us bring her back from the dead." I said hopefulness in my voice.

He looked at me, stroking his beard before answering, "Actually I do have something that may help you." Ivor had a faint smile on before running over to a table and grabbing a book. "This book is the answer." He said as he flipped through the pages. 

Lukas and I glanced at each other before turning our attention to Ivor. "Aha!" He exclaimed. "It opens a portal that can take you to Petra, but one of you must stay with me, so the other can get back to the overworld. 

Also if she doesn't wish to leave she can't come back, she has to be willing to come. One last thing give the person whose staying something that resembles you so you can get back."

"I'll stay behind, your much closer to Petra than I am." Lukas said. I nodded at Lukas then looked back at Ivor. "Ok I'm ready." I said to Ivor who nodded.

He put his finger on the book before a portal opened. "Its ready, Jesse." "Here Lukas." I said as I threw the amulet to him. "Be safe okay." He said as he put the amulet in his inventory. "I will." I said as I jumped into the portal. 

I landed face first into wet grass. I got up wiping my face. Then my eyes widened as I saw the most beautiful thing I ever seen. It was a huge quartz castle, okay maybe I over exaggerated a little. It was the second most beautiful thing. 

"If I were Petra that's were I'd go." I thought to myself as I started sprinting to the castle. In my favor it wasn't really far from me, but I had faith that Petra would want to come back with me. I was at the castle's gates which surprisingly wasn't guarded.

I walked through the entrance with ease now in the courtyard. I spotted a few guards who looked right at me, but they didn't even seem to notice me which I thought was weird. I brushed that aside and kept walking. Then, a guard walked by walking right through me. "Woah." I muttered to myself. "Ivor never said anything about a being a ghost." I muttered to myself more quietly. 

I walked on ignoring what just happened and focusing on what I came here to do. Get Petra. I entered a throne room and to my surprise I saw Petra sitting on a throne swords were by her throne and she wore her armor.

"Petra!" I exclaimed. She looked up at me. "Jesse!" She said scrambling off her throne and running to me almost stumbling a few times. She hugged me tight a little too tight. "Crushing....lungs." I choked.

"Sorry." She said sheepishly letting go of me. "But in all seriousness how are you here uh-." Petra asked.

"No. I did not die its actually a long story, but if your willing to come with me we can return to the overworld!" I said cutting her off.

"Woah unexpected." Petra said as she put her hand to her chin looking at the floor. "Of course I'll come." She said looking back at me with a smile. "Knew you would!" I said. "But how could you see me?" I asked. "I'm died." She said as she waved her hand through me. "Oh right." I said.

"Now let's go home." I said. At that moment a portal appeared, I expected something a little more difficult than that, but I wasn't going to complain. I looked to Petra who grinned at me before leaping in. I was about to leap in when I was thrown back by something. 

"Oh gravel." I muttered as I saw a man with white glowing eyes, a teal shirt, and dark blue pants. "You won't escape me!" He roared. "We'll see about that!" I retorted taking out my enchanted sword. He only laughed before taking out an enchanted sword as well. 

We did our battle cry's as we ran towards each other our swords clashing together. I then pushed my sword forward knocking him back a little and I took a step back. "I wasn't going to give up now not after I just got my best friend back," I thought to myself. I swung my sword at Herobrine's chest. He dodged and he was able to recover quickly. As a result he slashed his sword into my hip.

I held in a scream as I felt the burning sensation in my side. "See little girl you won't get out of here." He insulted. "Oh yes I will!" I retorted. My back was toward the portal and Herobrine was in front of me a few meters away. I took this to my advantage and sprinted to the portal. 

Herobrine tried grabbing me by my legs using his magic but failed miserably and as a result I leapt threw the portal. 

I landed on the stone floor with a thud. I landed on my back making pain shoot through me. "There you are Jesse!" Lukas said. "Is that blood!?" Lukas said pointing to my hip. I rubbed my hip with my fingers and I looked at them now bloodstained red.

"What happened? You were right behind me." She asked. "I had a run in." I said getting up to my feet, not caring how much pain I went through to do it. "With who?" Lukas asked a worried expression growing on his face. I noticed this and said, "Don't worry about it as long as were together we'll all be fine." I reassured them.

"And find enough time for each too." I said as I pulled them into a group hug.

"Lovely." Ivor said as he joined in.


Awwww happy endings for the win.

And thank you guys so much for over 100 reads!

Byeeeeee -Mcsmfangirl1

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