Finding Time

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Jesse Pov:

Everyone in the new order has been very busy lately, including me. We all had our own lives, Olivia is in Redstonia, Axel is in Boom town, Lukas is writing, Petra went to explore the unknown, and I am in Beacon town.

I do, as Petra would call it 'town running things.' I sign papers and protect the people.  Luckily, I asked Radar to clear my schedule for the week so I was free to do anything. I was in the order hall now, putting on my armor the star shield. I then grabbed my sword and a couple of apples before heading out.

I walked towards the gates of Beacon town before sighing. I watched as the gates opened then I left heading to Lukas house to pay him a visit. "Wow, its been a while since a stepped outside of Beacon town." I thought to myself.

I was usually cramped behind my desk signing papers for what seemed like years. I couldn't wait to see my friends again and the best part was that they didn't even know I was coming! It was starting to get dark, so I took out my sword, so I was prepared if anything snuck up on me. 

I started to walk a little faster because I felt something wasn't right. I raised my sword a little higher, being cautious. Suddenly a spider popped out of nowhere taking me by surprise it lunged toward landing on my face. I used my other hand to grab it, throwing it to the ground killing it with my sword.

"Close one." I thought to myself as I wiped my face. I continued walking towards Lukas house. It was nice to have a friend who lived close to Beacon Town. "I just hope he isn't too busy." I thought to myself. I then, recognized the plains. I was almost at Lukas house.

At that moment I noticed a hoard of zombies up ahead. "This is going to be fun." I thought to myself a smirk creeping onto my face. I ran towards them slashing one with my sword. Then, ducking avoiding another zombies attack.

I attacked another zombie making it fall. I hit it again making it poof. Then, I turned my attention to the last one. I sliced through it making it poof. "I missed this," I thought to myself. I walked across the plain reaching Lukas house.  I hesitated, before knocking on the door.

The door opened revealing Lukas who stood there frozen, his eyes wide. I froze too, taking in his appearance bags underneath his eyes, messy hair, his hands swollen and blood-shot red. I ran up to him and hugged him. He really looked like he needed one. He hesitated before hugging back. We broke apart and he gestured me inside.

"Wow, its really good to see you!" Lukas said with a faint smile on his face. "I know. I missed you." I said with a smile. There was a silence for awhile before I spoke up, "Lukas are you okay?" "Uh y-yeah I'm fine why." He asked. "You don't exactly look fine." I replied crossing my arms. "I...I know its..." He said his voice cracking.

"Its just I really, really missed you," he sniffed. "Why didn't you tell me." I asked in a soft voice. He didn't reply instead he just stood there. I walked over to him hugging him again. 

"I'll always find time to hang out with you. No matter what." I said. "Thank you Jesse." He said a glint of sadness in his voice. "Anytime." I said.

He suddenly started sobbing. "Hey..its ok...its ok..." I said rubbing his back. "I-I wish it where." He muttered. "What do you mean by that?" I questioned. "I..I never mind." He said.

"Whatever's going on, you can tell me Lukas." I said. He sighed. "I... Petra's...died." I immediately turned speechless and guilt stung me for not going with he

"I should've spent more time with her, I should've went with her," I sobbed. "She died two weeks ago.....they found her in a forest. I-I just learned t-this t-two days ago..." Lukas quaked.

I started to cry harder I couldn't believe she was gone, one of my closest friends. I stood up walking to a nearby wall, putting my hand on the wall while I used my other hand to wipe my face. I felt arms wrap around me, Lukas arms and we mourned together over are friend. 

After a few minutes I said,"We need to find Ivor." "How can he help?" Lukas said. "I don't know, but I have a good feeling about it." I said, a hint of a confidence in my voice.


Too be continued.....


At least you know there will be a sequel XD...

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