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Heavy panting and soft breaths echo through the damp forests gently. A young woman leans against one of the trees and lets her tender palm rest against her bloody bandaged side. Her glistening sword was drawn, the enchantments radiating gently off of the sharp gold blade. Loose strands of her fiery hair dangled across her vision.

A soft chuckle was heard distantly and without warning a diamond axe flew in Petra's direction. Petra was quick to move as soon as she heard laughter. She had no choice, but to take off into a sprint and just as she had moved the bloody axe pierced deeply into the damp tree.

"Oh Petra....," A low voice growled, as the young woman's piercing forest-colored eyes were locked on Petra, "You can not run forever my darling."

Petra tightened her grip on the rusty handle and grit her teeth as she leapt over a fallen log. The other young lady retrieved her grimy axe with a quick snatch and she tucked her scarlet hair behind her ear before taking off after Petra swiftly.

"Damn this crazy woman," Petra muttered under her breath softly as her umber tactile boots crunched the frail leaves underneath her feet. Cassie was swift in her pursuit after Petra, Cassie's emerald eyes were filled to the brim with a fierce and blood-thirsty gaze. Her soft hand was shaking violently as she was so close - so very close - to finally catching her prey.

Petra huffed wearily as she held her bloody side with her freehand. Her eyes hastily scanned her surroundings briefly and just as she did her foot caught hold of a hunters trap. Immediately she was yanked into the air, dangling helplessly as her assailant dashed after her. Her blade loosened from her tight grip and fell to the ground.

Petra swayed from side to side leisurely and she cursed under her breath for this inconvenience of a trap. Cassie could not help, but let a small smirk grow on her face. Her pace slowed drastically and she tightened her grip on her grimy blade hastily.

"Well well well.... you fell right into my trap," Cassie practically bellowed, as her thick eyebrows lowered and a small grin spread across her face. Slowly, she removed the white pumpkin off of her face and gazed up.

She watched amusedly as Petra struggled. She was just so helpless and boy did Cassie seem to be enjoying ever second of it. Petra was breathing rather heavily, her heart was pounding against her chest. With a quick throw of her heavy axe Petra braced herself. Surprisingly, her axe hit the rope and once more was stuck in a tree. Petra fell as the rope snapped without hesitance. With a loud thud, her back hit the ground. She groaned loudly. Hastily, Cassie picked up the rope tied to Petra's leg and tied her wrists together before dragging her.

"Back to the mansion you go," Cassie said gently. As Cassie walked cheerfully, she hummed a tune that was unfamiliar to Petra, yet it was eerie of course. "I could kill you... but I have something better in mind. At least for now you can be very beneficial to me."

The moonlight glinted on Cassie's thick glasses and she sighed softly. "I know your friends are awfully worried about you." Cassie continued humming as she waited for the explosion just waiting to erupt.

Petra weakly squirmed. "No... do not do anything to them," She stated fiercely. "Oh and what are you going do about it," Cassie spat harshly as she rolled her eyes, "Stop me."

A soft breeze rolled by and Cassie murmured gently, "It is a good thing  you are mine now darling."

Was bored and I'm slowly getting my motivation to write back. :)


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