Stopping Time

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Jesse pov:

My lips were puckered as I walk down the sidewalk. Whistling softly, my sweet tunes enter the air.

A grin curls across my face and my hand reaches to a tall man's hat.

Time was frozen and I'm the only one who can stop time, it was an ability that I was born with.

Of course I didn't ask for it, but hey I'm not complaining!

I plop the man's fedora back on his head and do a little bow.

A light chuckle escapes my lips. I'm loving this.

My grin grows wider and everything is frozen in place. The bully's on the corner. The kid's playing in the grass. A teen listening to music with airpods.

Their frozen in time and they don't even know it!

I stride over to a popular ice cream shop and lick my lips. My eyes catch those of a frozen employee who was smiling softly, handing a cheerful little girl her vanilla ice cream cone.

Walking behind the counter, my soft hand wraps around a big dark brown waffle cone. I nibble on the crunchy waffle cone and lick the delicious chocolate crumbs off of my moist lips.

My eyes trail over all the ice cream flavors, each one a unique color. Which one should I get today? Ooh! Maybe mint! No! Cookies and cream!

My teeth sink into my bottom lip, theirs just so many choices.

Huh... how bout I just get all of them instead!

I end up walking out of the ice cream shop with this crazy huge icecream cone that has about I don't know maybe one thousand scoops on top.

My tongue glides across a green scoop. The sweet minty flavor rolling across my tongue.

In the corner of my eye I could've swore I saw something move.

My mind's probably just playing tricks on me though. I contuinue to carelessly lick my icecream and that's when I see someone climbing up a post.

Tossing my poor ice cream cone into the trash I dash after them.

Hey...I can always get another one later anyway.

My hands wrap around the post and I haul myself up into the roof.

My hands were barely grasping the tiles, but I still manage to bring myself up.

Not too far away I see a redhead woman running across the roof.

"Hey!" I yell, clambering up the rooftop. I chase after them and I feel like I'm in an action movie or something.

They leap over a wide gap and their foot skids off the edge of the rooftop.

I leap over the wide gap and my hand barely grasps the dull red tiles.

The person pushes themself forward and turns to help me up.

"Your so slow Jesse." can't be...


"Ya, you big sap?" She says breathlessly as she pulls me up.

"How....are you moving around?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Petra says crossing her arms over her chest.

"B-But your not supposing to be....," My cool fingers anxouisly rake through my thick hair, "Just how...?"

Petra shrugs, but a smirk curls across her lips and she turns around and runs across the rooftop again.

"Petra!" I pout, chasing after her, my footsteps bouncing off the walls.

She leaps over the edge of the rooftop and dissapears below.

A huge racket comes from where Petra had leaped down and I leap over the gap, landing right on top of Petra.

" Lu....ngs."

"Ha, you deserve it for trying to race without giving me a head start," I say getting off of Petra who dramatically gasps for air.

"What do you meannnnnn!? Only I'm allowed to get headstarts." Petra says, picking up her bandana.

"Exactly you doofus," I say, skittishly punching her shoulder.

Petra's face suddenly falls earnest, "Hey watch it!"

"That face though Petra," I laugh, "Don't ever do that again. No, serouisly though don't EVER do that again."

"Why not?" She says, a large smirk curled across her lips.

"Go ask my brother why."

"Oh and what's that supposed to mean?" Petra asks. I'm so dead for this, but....

"Petra. You are so old that your birth certificate already expired." I say and instantly turn to run. "I'm still ALIVE you nitwit and a teen at that!"

"Yeah, but dead inside!" I say, a wide grin curling across my lips. Petra sprints after me and I dash away like my life depends on it. If she basically puts my head on a trophy, my brother better sue her.

"Jessssssssssseeeeeeee your sooooooo dead!!!!!"

Guess she finally got my joke....

"Mark my words Jesse because YOUR SO DEAD now."

I snap my fingers twice and I glance behind my shoulder and see Petra right behind me, stopped in midair.

A smirk curls across my face and I put her bandanna on my head. "Only I can stop time Petra. Tsk. Tsk tsk."

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