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Faint puffs of white and ebony smoke went into the foggy air. Skyscrapers collapsed, swiftly tilting to the side. Silver jets soared throughout the gloomy sky as they hastily dropped heavy explosives. Azure mist flowed through the cracked, yet dewy streets. 

Even in the midst of all the noise, a young female walked slowly down the street while twirling her scarlet umbrella. Her ruby colored heels clacked gently against the pavement and her stride was leisure. 

"I thought this was over Petra."

Petra stopped in her tracks hesitantly and she glanced over her shoulder. Her fiery gaze was met with eyes that glimmered just like the ocean. 

"Of course you did. You never failed to underestimate me Lukas," Petra said bluntly, her jaw clenched.

The young mans golden locks swayed leisurely as he sighed heavily, "Can we stop this? Look at what you are doing Petra," He said slowly.

Petra scoffed and rolled her eyes swiftly. "You act as if I am the only one," She took a threatening step forward, her finger jabbing in Lukas' direction, "You played  huge part in this too you know."

Lukas gulped as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Yes... I know, but at least I am trying to change for the better. This is not right.. all this destruction and chaos." 

"You do not have the right to tell me that. You started this to begin with and I will be the one to finish it," Petra said, her tone sharp. Her thick brows lowered and fury danced within her gaze, "With everything you have done... there is nothing you can do to persuade me." Without another word, she whipped around and continued her stroll.  Lukas stood still for a moment and shook his head in slight disbelief.

"Left me with no choice," He mumbled gently under his breath as he took out a small phone from his ebony coat pocket. He raised it to his ear hesitantly and said shakily, "Do it."


Her hoarse voice echoed across the quiet hall. Her slow pace and easygoing stride seemed rather forced. Her warm hands gently rubbed her puffy red eyes. She felt the lump in her throat leisurely tighten as she glanced wearily at her reflection in the shattered mirror. Her heart began pounding hastily when she recalled a glimpse of what a blade to her wrist felt like.

She gasped a little and glanced quickly at the floor. Fragments of herself appeared in the broken mirror. She leaned against the wall and allowed a defeated sigh to escape her soft lips. She ran her small fingers through her disheveled thick hair. The faint scars on her wrist stung causing her to wince.

"God damn it Lukas," Olivia wailed sullenly, "Why... just why would you do something like this. Killing her was too far..."

In her trembling hands, she held a slightly burnt photograph. The order of the stone were all smiling pridefully and nothing could match the sense of accomplishment each one of them had.

Olivia sighed quietly and shaked her head slowly. "We are the monsters now... in fact we always were."


Considering making a second part to this, but for now have a rather short and fill in the blanks to the storyline type of oneshot.

- Mcsmfangirl1

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