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Jesse Pov:

We been walking for hours and I'm pretty sure all of our feet is desperately wanting a break, well at least mine. Lukas was by my side while Petra, Olivia, and Axel where a little bit ahead of us.

Axel held a map in his hand leading us to our destination. The cool breeze went by which felt good in the scorching heat. I looked up towards the sky raising my arm to block out some of the sun's rays. 

Few clouds were in the sky leaving lots of room for the sun today. Either way today was a exciting day for us all. We are looking for an enchanted artifact, one that can make you fly. Its suppose to look like somewhat like a feather and arrow.

It sounds a little strange to me, but Ivor gave us the tip and considering the last time he did, well let's just say it was pretty cool.

My thought train was interrupted when I heard shouting. "We've been going the wrong way this entire time!!" Petra shouted, annoyance filling her voice.

"Uh...well," Axel started fumbling with his words and nervously scratching his sweaty neck. 

Petra snatched the map from him and examined it, "You've been holding it upside down this whole time!?"

Olivia facepalmed, hard. "You've got to be kidding me," Lukas and I said in unison. We glanced at each other a small amount of blush creeping up on both of our faces.

"Well, looks like we'll have to go again another day, were already low on food and water anyway," Olivia said, then sighed in disappointment.

"Because some people don't know how to read maps!" Petra bellowed, crossing her arms then letting out a big huff.

"Well at least I'm not salty!" Axel retorted his midnight eyes showing a little annoyance and a little rage. 

That was probably the worst thing he could've did because Petra took out her favorite sword of all time, Miss Butter. Its enchantments were pretty powerful a couple of slices with that sword and you are a goner, literally.

She pointed it at Axel who gulped, sweat trickling down his face.

"Take that back!" Petra said, stepping forward raising her enchanted gold sword.

"Hey, hey let's all calm down!" Lukas said, trying to break up the argument. Petra gave him a cold glare which he gladly returned. 

They were like that for what seemed like centuries, just staring into each others eyes. "Ugh, fine." Petra said putting her sword away and crossing her arms before giving Axel a hard glare. Axel stuck out his tongue at her.

I sighed and shouted, "Can both of you please stop acting like children!" 

They were shocked at first at my sudden outburst and then they hung they head low, nodding shamefully.

"Good," I muttered under my breath. We didn't need the map to get back home I knew it like the back of my hand already. We started walking again, in silence except for the occasional chirping of birds or the howl of the wind or the occasional coughing or sneezes.

We had been walking for quite a while now and the sun was now setting over the horizon. The sun's faint orange glow illuminating through the rows and rows of tree's. 

"I think we should take a break now," Lukas whispered, turning his gaze to the others. I looked over at them to see them walking, sluggishly.

"Perhaps," I whispered back. Lukas turned his gaze back to me his blue eyes staring into mine before nodding.

I turned around, walking backwards and said, "Guess we could stop here."

Olivia, Petra, and Axel looked up, all nodding in agreement.

I turned back around just in time to see a branch which I ducked under expertly. I walked over to a nearby tree and leaned against it. My back making instant contact with the tree bark. The last sets of ray's setting.

The moon was beginning to rise up and Lukas put up a couple of torches that he brought lighting up the surrounding area.

We all sat in silence before Olivia broke it, "Here." She took some apples out of her inventory and started passing them around to us.

I gratefully took mine especially considering that I was practically starving. Whelp, that's what you get when you don't eat breakfast. I took a bite of the apple, its juice splattering all over my face as my teeth sunk into it. 

Well we would've found the treasure by now if we haven't got lost, but I'm grateful that we all are together and somewhat happy.


Yay! A happy ending (for once I think) XD

Taking requests, anybody?

Okay, well see ya in the far far future.

Just kidding 🤓

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