Run to you

418 5 2

Jesse Pov

Lots and lots of snow was all I could see for miles. I don't remember how I got here nor does Lukas who is walking beside me shivering. We haven't seen the others which bothers me.

I hope their okay although I know they can handle themselves. Lukas and I have no idea where were going. We both hope its the direction to Beacon town because if its not we may not make it. 

These conditions are treacherous and lucky enough it hasn't snowed yet. We had enough food to last us a couple of weeks if we used it wisely. I didn't have my armor so I was freezing and I was shivering. I cupped my hands around my mouth and breathed hoping for some warmth.

I failed. My breaths only made things worse for me filling me with regret and some disappoint. As we walked I looked at the sunset, but Ii quickly glanced away for it was very bright. 

I stopped walking and sat down not caring if the snow soaked me. I took out an apple. I bit into it, but it was hard as a rock. It loosened my tooth and I threw the apple letting it sink into the snow. I let out a frustrated sigh.

Lukas sat next to me and took off his armor then his ocelot jacket. I noticed this and said, "No, Lukas you need it." "That maybe true, but you need it more." He said wrapping his jacket around me and zipping it up and put back on his armor.

"Thanks Lukas." I said some warmth returning to me. He didn't reply instead he sat back down staring into nothing. I waved my hands in front of Lukas eyes breaking his daydream. He flinched before rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him for body heat. His arms were like ice so cold you felt like you would freeze, but I couldn't feel it anymore as if my body had gotten too cold to feel. Numb defiantly numb.

He dozed off. I was still in his arms staring at the stars wondering if we would ever get out the snowy biome. I gently moved his arms off and putting them to his chest before getting up to wander.

I wandered not to far from him to make sure I didn't get last. I walked around letting my mind wander. Wander to different things and different topics. My mind paced back and forth on how we would survive. I stopped wandering and just paced back and forth.

My mind a ran away train so many thoughts and memories came at once confusing me. It was like watching a million movies play at the same time.

I sat down a few meters away from Lukas who was sleeping peacefully. I sighed letting myself fall back into the snow my hair sprawled out as I did. I looked up to the stars again. They were shining, lighting up the dark sky.

I woke up to the sun blinding me. I quickly covered my eyes and groaned as my eyes still stung. I rubbed my eyes and got up Lukas still asleep. I saw his leg twitch then his body jerked up making me flinch. He was panting then a stray came up behind him ready to fire.

"Watch out!" I cried as I sprinted to him. The stray shot a little early missing Lukas entirely, but another one emerged drawing its bow. Lukas took a step back as he hesitantly looked into his inventory. "What!? Where's my bow! He cried. Then a stray shoot at me. I rolled forward and continued to run. 

The other stray was about to shoot at Lukas (who sadly was unarmed). "Hey bone-head over here!" I shouted catching its attention.  It turned to me and fired its bow. I dodged while Lukas ran up to it knocking its bow out of its hand. I took on the other stray.

It shot at me and I slid underneath the arrow. Quickly regaining myself I ran towards it and before it knew what was going on. I was behind the stray and hit its neck making it collapse to the ground. It disappeared shortly after. I kissed my hand. "Thank goodness for pressure points." I thought to myself.

Lukas ran over to me his face covered in snow. He wasn't shivering anymore so I figured he went numb also. Suddenly we heard an explosion. Fire sparks shooting out everywhere we ran to where the explosion happened.

There was nothing there not a trace of anyone or anything. We turned around beginning to walked towards where we thought home was. Lukas was ahead of me his head a little down. I ran up to him getting ahead of him a little bit. I faced him now walking backwards. I lifted his chin up with my fingers making him look into my eyes.

"Well get out of this." I said trying to making him confident. He looked intensely into my eyes if saying 'I want to believe you' sorta thing.

"I promise we will." I vowed. 


I don't even know if Jesse can keep her promise! 

Taking Requests

-Feel free to request a sequel or anything

Peace! -does peace symbol-  


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