Hold On A Little Longer

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Lukas had been in a coma for about two months now due to a car accident. The doctors said he wouldn't live, but I been praying that he would live. 

I visited him everyday just in case he woke up he would have someone right by his side. The others were busy tending to the city, helping others and fixing problems. They still visited him, but not as often as me.

I was sitting in a chair in the hospital room. Lukas lay on the hospital bed cords hooked up to him to help him breath, his head wrapped in bandages, bruises on his face, his hair long, and he had a beard now.

I grabbed a magazine from a nearby table and began reading it. Almost dozing off a couple of times. I looked at the clock it was 7:30 pm. I looked at my blonde haired friend. Would I ever see his navy blue eyes again? 

I closed the magazine putting it back on the table and crossing my legs. I sighed before I got up. I reached the door knob turning it slowly. The door creaked as I opened it more I glanced at him one last time before exiting shutting the door quietly behind me.

I went out of the hospital and began walking towards the order hall. My head was clouded with memories, memories that rushed too fast making it impossible to comprehend them all. The cold air passing by making me shiver.

My memories began to slow and a tear escaped my eyes rolling down my cheek. I couldn't bear the thought of Lukas dying. Although deep within I knew he would be okay, but another part told me he wasn't.

I just need to believe in him and push all the negative thoughts away. I stopped dead in my tracks and began tapping my feet for no particular reason. My heart began to race I felt like I needed to go back.

I ran towards the hospital my feet gracefully shuffling as I did. I walked in the cold air welcoming me. I ran towards Lukas room something in me told me he was awake. I reached the door knob taking a deep breath before walking in.

As soon as I opened the door my eyes widened and tears of joy flowed down my cheeks. I ran up to him hugging him tightly not letting him go. He hugged back. "I knew you'd be okay." I whispered.

I let go of him. His face had a confused look. "Were am I?" He asked scanning his surroundings. "You- Your in a hospital." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "How long have I been here?" He asked.

"You been here for two months. You were in a coma." I explained. He had a shocked expression. "Two months......." He muttered. He looked as if he wanted to cry but he didn't. I didn't know what else to say. I was still shocked to see him alive and breathing after two whole months!

He rubbed his face. "What the-." He cut himself off as he rubbed his beard. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Glad you could hang on." I said. I smiled at him and he returned it. He got up off the bed, but when he stood up his legs buckled making him fall. I helped him, but he fell again and we both hit the ground with a thud.

Luckily I was wearing my Ellegard's armor so it didn't hurt much. Lukas rolled off me instantly blushing. I got up and extended my arm out to him which he gratefully accepted. I walked him to his bed and laid him down.

"You can't get up I know how much you won't too, but you're too weak right now." I said softly. He sighed in defeat he knew I was right.

I went back to the seat I was in before I had left. Soon afterwards, he dozed off. I kept my eyes on him the whole time making sure he was safe. I feared of losing him and I wasn't going to let my friend out of my sight.

I rubbed my eyes and walked over to Lukas. I thanked the heavens that he was ok and began to rejoice. I hugged him again his beard rubbing against my face, but I didn't care all that mattered to me was knowing my friend was okay.

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