Stay Alive

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Jesse's heart was beating frantically, her face full of dread and eyes glimmering with panic. "Where is my friend!?" Jesse exclaimed, making a nearby doctor with short  ebony hair turn around. "Mrs. Schuyler, come in they brought her in half an hour ago, she lost a lot of blood on the way over." 

"But is she alive!?" Jesse asked taking a step forward, her voice on the verge of cracking. "Yes, but you must understand a bullet entered just above her hip and lodged into her right arm."

"Can I see her please?" Jesse said, fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill. The doctor put a hand on her back and lead her down the hall, "I'm doing everything I can, but the wound was already infected when she arrived."

"Olivia," The words escaped faster than she could process. Instantly she rushed to her bedside gasping as she come to a stop. Olivia opened her dark brown eyes and met Jesse's tear-filled gaze. "Jesse." Jesse took her freezing hand and wrapped them in hers. " no," Jesse whispered, shaking her head.

"You taught me how to play piano," Olivia said weakly, dry blood on her hands and bottom lip, "You would put your hands on mine."

"You changed the melody every time," Jesse said, tears falling down her face as she remembered playing piano with her.

"Ha. I would always change the line."

"Shh, I know I know," Jesse said, looking away for just a second, "Save your strength."

"I would always change the line," She repeated a little stronger, tears blurring her vision and falling down her cheeks. "I know I know," Jesse whispered while biting her bottom lip. "I..."

Olivia's mind flashed to a smiling Jesse and then to a crying one. Tears spilled from Jesse's eyes as she grit her teeth and looked away from her best friend. "I-"

"Un deux trois quarte," Jesse said slowly and through sobs. "Un deux trois quarte cing six," Olivia said her voice cutting off on each note.  "Good," Jesse said softly, her voice cracking.

"Sept huit neuf," Jesse whispered, her eyes widening when she didn't hear Olivia's join in. "Sept Huit," Jesse whispered louder, squeezing her cold friend's hand harder as her head fell back and as her cocoa colored eyes slowly closed.

"Huit neuf!" Jesse exclaimed warm tears falling down her face as she defeatedly took a step back. She cupped her hand over her mouth, her shattering heart hammering against her chest as a strangled sob escaped her lips, "Sept huit."



Un, duex, trois, quarte, cing, six, sept, huit neuf....

(1,    2,            3,         4,           5,       6,      7,       8,  and 9) 

(Its in French btw :3)

This oneshot is actually inspired by a song by hamilton that I just so happened to stumble upon it and I love it!

Oh yes your probably wondering why this is so short, so I was going to make it longer, but I felt like I needed to end it there and perhaps I'll make a sequel to this. 

- Taking Requests

See you in the next one - Mcsmfangirl1

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