Party Disaster

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Jesse Pov:

I am so excited today. The order and I decided to throw a summer party this year. We all been busy all year and decided to throw a party at the order hall. I had everything I needed for the party. I was looking in my closet deciding what I should wear. I thought about going for my usual outfit, but I thought that would be boring.

I pondered for a moment before choosing white pants and a red floral shirt. I put it on along with white sneakers. Then, I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" I shouted. I zipped out of my room and opened the front door.

"Hi Lukas!" I exclaimed. "Hi Jesse! Its been awhile." "Yes, yes it has." I said. He wore a blue button up shirt and white shorts. "You look nice." I complimented. "You look...." He said for a minute, before gazing at me. "Beautiful." He said, breaking his gaze. "Aw shucks." I said blushing a little.

I gestured him to come in. "Wow, you really cleared the room," Lukas said. "Yeah, I guess I did. I moved the treasures to another room, so we would have more space." I explained. The tables are in that room over there," I said. He nodded before heading to the room with the tables.

I grabbed some streamers and a nearby ladder. I put the ladder by the door and started to hang them up while Lukas put the tables in the room. "Jesse need any help?" Lukas asked. "No, Lukas I got this thanks though." "Alright." He said before leaving to get another table.

All of a sudden, I felt shaking. My ladder fell bringing me down with it. It fell on top of me, but I ignored the pain and got it off me. "Lukas!" I screamed as I ran into the room he was in. "Jesse!" He answered back. I felt a wave of relief hit me as I saw him running towards me. 

"The hall! There's a safety bunker! Go!" I said. He ran towards it and I followed him running behind him. The order hall was starting to break apart quartz falling behind. I watched as he ran down the stairs.

I ran down, but a boulder came rolled down. I leapt forward, but my foot got stuck as the rock crashed down. Pain surged through my foot. I screamed the pain as the pain was increasing. I felt arms wrap around me pulling me back. I twisted my foot trying to get it out.  

"Its really stuck." Lukas said as he pulled me back.  "Go! Leave me." I said. "What. No!" He said. "I'm getting you out of here and that's final." He pulled me harder and we both fell backwards. Suddenly the shaking stopped which was a relief. I landing on top of him and he groaned in pain. I rolled to the other side and he got up.

"Thanks Lukas." I said gratefully. I tried to get up, but failed miserably as a result falling back down. Lukas grabbed me, "You okay." He asked. "No. Its my ankle." I replied through grit teeth. "Let's get you out of here." Lukas said.

We walked towards the exit that I had installed in the safety bunker. When we got out I was shocked buildings were destroyed, the ground had cracks in it. "Go help the people." I told Lukas. "What about you?" He asked. "I'll be fine now go!" I said. He set me down, then looked at me, before heading to the nearest building.

I watched as people ran frantically, frightened by what just happened.

"Well this day couldn't get any worse....." I muttered to myself.


Will this continue?


I kept getting distracted from my own video..... XD

Here take a look if you want.

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