Missing You

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Jesse Pov:

Papers, papers, papers! I never seen so many in my entire life! They keep stacking up higher and higher every minute or at least that's what it feels like.

I rubbed my eyes and swung my office chair towards the ticking clock. 5:45, geez I'll never get down at a decent time, now.

I groaned rubbing my forehead. I felt a headache coming, well I guess that what you get when you have to look at a computer screen all day.

Oh well, guess it won't kill me to stay here all night, again. I had to get this done no matter how draining it may be. I was both exhausted physical and mentally. My lips were cracked and most likely my appearance probably wasn't the....best considering I been in this office for three days straight.

I really appreciate Radar's help and even though he offers to help with the tower of papers, I always refuse. I won't let him do my work. Its my responsibility and he shouldn't have to stay because of it.

Although his worrying for me has gotten worse these past days, I always told him that I'm fine, but he's never convinced not even a little. He only gives me a 'uh huh' look. 

I open a cabinet and pull out a file and took off the paper clip. I tossed the paper clip into the cabinet. I was probably being silly, but I opened it. It revealed a paper and a picture in front of it. It was me, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, and Petra.

We were grinning broadly that day, the day we became the new order of the stone. I remember the day so clearly in fact like it was yesterday.

All those years ago when we were all together and happy. Axel and Olivia were to my right while Petra and Lukas were to me left. We haven't seen each other in years all of us busy. Petra the only one who really understood me was out in the unknown.

Lukas a former rival now best friend was always in his cabin writing away. Olivia and Axel running their towns, like me.

I missed them deeply us being separated well...its like a huge part of me has been torn apart, ripped into tiny pieces.

No!  I refuse to live in the past they have their lives and I have mine. I sighed, closing the folder and grabbing the paper clip, putting the paper clip back in its proper place on the folder. I put the folder in the cabinet and close it back.

I looked at the papers once more and got back to work.

3 hours later...

I signed the last paper and put it on my completed side of my desk. I stretched, dang where my muscles sore and stiff. I got up from my desk and grabbed my gray sweater.

I put it on leaving it unzipped. I was about to leave when I looked at my desk and remembered the keys. I grabbed them and scurried to the door. I couldn't wait to just lay down in my bed.

I swung the door open and was meet by the piercing air. Good thing I brought a sweater! I shut the door and locked it and putting the keys in my pocket.

I sprinted towards my house which was literally right next door to the treasure hall making it only a few minutes to get to and back, but with full speed that was different a minute at the least was my record.

The key's jingled in my pocket and lucky for me few citizens came across me. I gave them all smiles despite my problems in my own life.

I made it home and opened the oak door quickly slamming it shut behind me. Before a could even take one more step I collapsed. Looks like sleepiness won this round.

Lukas Pov:

I listened to my instincts and set down my journal and pen. I quickly made a jolt towards Jesse's house. Something told me to go there, now and I didn't need telling twice.  After about 10 minutes of nonstop running I made it to her little humble house. 

I knocked on the door completely winded and gasping for air. No response. I knocked harder, again no response.

Worry washed over me like a crashing wave and I grabbed the door knob and twisted it. I almost fell as the door unexpectedly flung open. Luckily my grip on the door knob was tight, so I didn't fall.

I regained my balance and frantically looked around shutting the door behind me. Then I spotted, her on the floor not moving.

My eyes widened and I quickly got to my knees turning her over to her back. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her chest rise and fall.

In a couple of minutes her eyes fluttered open and she jolted up so fast she almost knocked me over. Her breathing was uneven and faster. A tear rolled down her cheek and she never noticed my presence.

A wiped the glistening cheek with my thumb and she looked up at me and relaxed a tiny bit. Eventually her breathing steadied and boy, did she look exhausted.

Bags were underneath her eyes, her lips were cracked, her hair from the looks of it were tangled. 

Then out of nowhere she hugged me, taking me by surprise. I didn't hesitate to hug her back. Even if her hair is a mess it never gets out that sweet strawberry smell.

"L-Lukas," she croaked out, "Y-ya," I stammered. 

"I missed you," she whispered, squeezing me tighter. "Me too," I admitted.


Ok so actually the original title was collapsed, but missing you fits better :).

Taking requests still!

(Its technically still summer where I live sooooooooooo....... 😎 I'm still going to write.

Anyways bye!

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