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Jesse Pov:

People scurried to their homes as the darkness fell. Others star-gazed, while some walked in the cool night.

The stars lit up the night, along with the crest-shaped moon. The radiant glow shone through the open windows of the order hall.

The curtains flapped as the wind blew. 

The colorful builds that the people built stood out in the midst of the night. 

I turned around from the window and started heading towards my room, vanishing in the darkness.

I knew this place by heart, so I found my room with ease. The window was half-way open allowing the cool air to enter the room. 

I turned on the light switch with my finger. The lights flickered for a second before lighting up the room.

I sat at the edge of my bed wondering what I should do. I wasn't really tired at the moment. I glanced at my dresser and noticed a book. The cover was leather and the pages were as blank as snow.

I picked it up and my hand gliding across the smooth surface. I set the book down on my bed and got up.

I walked over to my desk rummaging through the drawers. I took out a lighter and a candle. I read the label of the candle.

Its a cinnamon scented candle, nice!

I gently put the candle on the candle holder and walked over to the window leaning over my bed and closed it.

I lit the candle with the lighter I had. At first the flame flickered then became steady. I turned off the light's and plopped back on my bed.

The scent of cinnamon filled the air as I picked up my book. I had been meaning to read it for ages I just couldn't find enough time to. 

I wiped off some of the dust that was on the book and opened it. The first word filling me with excitement. Its been a long time since I read a book.

30 minutes had passed by and I had read 70 pages. Scanning each page, filled of anticipation of what would happen next. I couldn't put it down, it was such a good book, but alas I had to force myself to put it down.

I put it on top of my desk and blew out the candle. I got underneath the covers of my bed and went to sleep.

I woke up at the crack of dawn. I grabbed my book and rushed into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth while reading the book and brushed my hair, my eyes still glued to the page.

When I was done I went into the kitchen. I turned on the coffee machine and waited for it to finish brewing, while I was waiting I set my book on the counter. 

I glanced around the room and saw the sun's ray shining through the windows lighting up the room. 


I turned my attention to the coffee machine and noticed it was done brewing. I grabbed a porcelain cup from the cupboard and picked up the handle of the coffee machine.

I carefully poured the coffee into my cup. The design on the cup stood out colorful flowers were in the middle and the top and bottom was lined with gold.

Steam billowed from the cup and I had to set it down to let it cool. I wondered what my friends were doing. Probably doing there 'thing' as Petra would call it.

I smiled faintly, sure I missed them, but they had the own lives and I had mine. After, five minutes the coffee had cooled and I drunk it.

The strong, but sweet taste seeped down my throat filling me with energy.

I set the cup down and began to walk towards the door. I was halfway to the door when I realized something.

I turned around, jogging to the kitchen I grabbed my book and ran out of the order hall, with my book in hand.

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