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The clock ticking. Tick tock, tick tock. Time felt like it was flying by and boy did I not have much of it left.

I let out a stifled yawn, covering my mouth of course. I picked up my mug of coffee and sighed it was my sixth cup today and my mind already felt like it was spinning.

I took a sip of it before setting it back down on the desk. My body felt incredible stiff, but to me it didn't matter. I reluctantly got back to work beginning by typing up documents.

I was really grateful with Radar lending a hand, it assisted me in many ways although I always rejected him whenever he asked if I needed help beyond measures. I wouldn't let him work overtime mostly because he didn't need more stress on him and because I didn't want to be a burden.

I should know considering I do a lot of papers and typing things up. My fingers were shaking, my brain wanted to shut down and let sleep take its turn and be the captain of the sinking ship.

A lot of caffeine was in my system, more than you could imagine. I breathed in and out, in and out again and again.

I glanced at the coffee mug and hesitantly picked it up. I brought the mug to my lips. The coffee barely warm anymore. Instead of the sweet taste it was bitter, very bitter indeed. My eyes were threatening to close and I slowly was starting to doze off.

The mug slowly slipped from my hands, but I was too tired to even notice it. The cup shattered, the fragments of glass all shattering to the floor, the coffee spilling all over the floor, staining the wood. At that moment Pama's angry face flashed in my mind. My heart beat quickened and I suddenly felt uneasy along with panicked.

"Its just a cup that shattered Jesse....just a cup." I said to myself, trying to calm myself down, but to me the cup shattering sounded like the glass I shattered in order to rip out Pama's red stone heart.

"Pama's not there...pama's not there," I repeated to myself, my hands still trembling. My breathing quickened and Pama's robotic voice rang in my mind, "You will be made useful."

It rang in my head over and over again sending chills down my spine each time.

I got up and started pacing around the room, Pama's robotic face still fresh in my mind.

I sat back down slouching against the office chair, getting a pen from the pen holder on my desk. My hand was still shaking, with anxiety, but I needed to get back to work.

I looked at the paper and the small words were blurry all of a sudden. I blinked a few times and my vision focused, the words becoming clearer with each blink.

I sighed sluggishly reading over the paper and signing it. The blue pen gliding across the paper. I tried steadying my trembling hand, but it was no use. The 'e' in my name ended up uneven and with a huge loop at the end.

Badly, very badly did I want to bang my head on a wall. I wanted to vent to one of my friends, tell them how I feel, but we are all separated somewhere in this crazy world. Maybe someday we would all reunite, but I got the feeling that it would be a very, very long time.

I sighed, as my thoughts were drifting apart becoming unclear with each passing moment, as a result confusing me.

Then, like a lamp turning on, the answer become as clear as day, I was simply....overworked.


Okay I now its a little late, but better late than never!

The mind spinning thing is from drinking too much caffeine and I heard that from my dad when he was talking to some one else.

 Well hope you have a good day or night. I also hope you had a good day at school, like meh. 

Alright that's it for now, byeeee!

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