Bow & Arrow

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Jesse Pov:

Today, was the day that I was going to learn how to use a bow. I'm confident that it'll be a piece of cake!

Lukas offered to teach me a few weeks back and I managed to make some time after a couple of weeks. Those days were very long and busy, but this week it calmed down.

I examined all the treasures my friends and I collected occasionally wiping off dust with my fingers. I sighed at how dusty they were well I do suppose I haven't been in here in a while.

I walked up the stairs and flicked a lever. The glass where my armor was moved and the sets of armor rose to my level.

"Okay, now which one?" I thought to myself, putting my hand on my chin. "Ender defender!" I thought to myself, walking towards it.

It was my favorite set! The teal color stood out as I put it on.

I adjusted my red hair clip and walked out the order hall. As soon as I stepped out I was met with the cool breeze, rushing past me.

It felt good, especially because it was a hot summer day. I smiled as my hair swayed in the wind.

I made sure I had everything before I left my sword, bow, and arrows. Check, and with that I sprinted out of Beacon town.

I ran pass gazing at the colorful city as I did. 

I abruptly came to a stop when I saw a familiar scarf in the corner of my eye. The scarf was lined with purple and cyan. "Lluna?" I called out, turning in a full circle looking for her.

I didn't see her, so I shrugged it off and kept going.

I ran past a purple octopus with orange eyes and a black pupil. I love how much this town was growing and how Reuben would have loved to see it.

I stopped by Reuben's memorial. I looked at the dead flowers that I had last placed there and immediately I felt guilt.

I kneeled down and quickly grabbed the roses, but as soon as I did they crumbled.

I took out a fresh rose that I had picked out from my garden a couple minutes ago and placed it in the flower pot.

I gently stroked the white rose's petal and slowly got up. I looked at Reuben's memorial one last time and said,"Miss you buddy," before once again breaking off into a sprint.

I ran out the gates of Beacon town to see  Champion city. The buildings were mostly lined with blue and white. It was a very modern city, but I think building what ever you want is way cooler!

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped at the sudden surprised. "Whoa, didn't mean to scare you." Lukas said, nervously stroking his hair. 

I shrugged and he said, "Ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be!" I said, once again overjoyed. 


"Okay, so first you want to put the arrow close to the bow string." Lukas said, putting an arrow close to his bow sting. I did the same. "Now pull back and release." He said. 

He pulled back and aimed for a tree and shot. The arrow went straight into the middle of the tree the bark of it now split.

I pulled back and released, the arrow completely missed the tree. Which resulted in Lukas laughter, at first I frowned, but I ended up laughing as well. I got an arrow, and put the arrow close to the bow.

Soon, the laughter died and I got a good grip on my bow and aimed for the tree.

I pulled the string of the bow, so hard I thought it would break. 

I let go of the string and the arrow whizzed by.

As if it were in slow motion, the arrow rotated and hit right in the middle of the tree splitting the bark.

It was the best thing that happened to me all day and I stood there frozen, shocked at what I just did.

"Wow...nice shot!" Lukas said. He violently shook his head and said, "No, wait nice is an understatement more like amazing!"

I smirked at him and he sighed in defeat. "Fine, it was breathtaking!" Lukas said.

He clapped his hands and gave me a warm smile. He put his bow and arrow away and walked towards me.

He put his hand in the air and I gave him a high-five.

I smiled, before looking at the arrow, the bark of the tree falling to the ground. 

I walked over to the tree and rubbed my hand across the arrow. 

The arrow was so deep in the tree I decided not to waste time trying to pull it out.

"Well thanks Lukas." I said, looking at him over my shoulder.

"Anything for a friend." He said softly, crossing his arms.

His lips curved into a smile and he slowly walked up to me and began to pat my back.

"See ya tomorrow, bow champ." Lukas said, putting something in my hair and walking away.

I took out whatever he had put in my hair and noticed it was crimson colored rose.

I shook my head playfully before putting it back in my cocoa colored hair and started heading towards Beacon town.


This one is my personal favorite and yes I have favorites too XD. 

Well, see ya in the next one!

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