A Silent Disagreement

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Otto stood, admiring the golden statue in front of him.

His soft hands were tucked in his thin sleeves and his dull eyes were locked on the statue in front of him.

"Hey Otto."

He glanced to his left and saw an ebony haired woman walking gracefully over to him.

She smiled radiantly.

"Hey," Otto said gently.

"Y'know Hadrian's still waiting for you to cast your bet," Harper said as she put a hand on her hip.

"I know," Otto said hastily, "It's just... I don't agree with all of this."

"What?" Harper said, her dull, but glimmering eyes wide, "I thought you enjoyed this stuff and the action of people fighting?"

Otto shook his head slowly and gazed back up at the statue of Tim.

"Im afraid you may have misunderstood," Otto said quietly as he put his hands behind his back.

The gloomy clouds rolled quickly in the sky.

Harper rose her brow, a small smirk forming on her face.

"Are you sure? You were always one for stuff like this," Harper said rather cheekily.

Otto glanced at Harper and said without an ounce of playfulness, "I'm sure."

Harper's smirk fell from her face instantly and she began pondering deeply.

"Hmm... I see," She mumbled faintly.

Otto shifted slightly, but his intense gaze remained on the statue.

"So are you still casting your bet or what?" Harper asked softly as she crossed her arms over her chest and raised her arched brow.

"Of course," Otto said, with a nod of his head, "It's not like Hadrian gives me any other choice anyway."

"Your right," Harper said, nodding her head in acknowledgement.

The gentle breeze blew which felt nice to both Harper and Otto.

With a faint sigh Otto glanced down.

"Come on," Harper said gesturing for Otto, "It's better to do it now then later."

"..I suppose you're right," Otto says quietly.

They walked moderately and silence was between them.

Otto's hardened gaze was focused in the distance and his hands were tucked gently in his thin, emerald colored silk sleeves.

Harper walked in front of him, and the thick hooves of her exquisite snow boots sunk into the mushy snow with each step.

Otto tore his gaze from the wonderful horizon and instead his sparkling eyes settled on the young woman in front of him.

"So have you started working on any new creations?" He inquired, much to Harper's surprise.

She shook her head and glanced at Otto, "Currently, I don't have enough materials to start anything new and Mevia was supposed to help me with that, but... She's busy so yeah."

"Busy doing what? Dying her hair a million different colors," Otto said unamused as he raised his brow.

Harper stifled a blaring laugh.

"I wonder when she'll stop doing that," Harper said nonchalantly, "It's just breaking her long hair anyway."

Otto didn't bother extending the conversation, instead he retreated back to how he was before and was as silent as a mouse once more.

Eventually, the two made it towards Hadrian's fancy office.

The pristine floors beamed radiantly and Hadrian had his feet up on his glass desk.

An arrogant smirk made it's way on his face and he adjusted his thin-rimmed glasses with his pointer finger.

"Well well well look who finally decided to show up," He said as he glanced at Otto. A radiant glare shone on his glasses.

Otto said absolutely nothing, as he found it best to remain silent when dealing with the conceited white haired man.

Harper gestured Otto, silently telling him to go on.

Otto walked over to Hadrian's desk and said plainly.

"I'm here to cast the bet."

"Ahh, I never would've thought you'd come here for that Otto," Hadrian said, his annoying smirk never faltering for a second.

He slowly stood up to his feet and walked over to a medium-sized file cabinet.

Otto remained calm and collected so far, but Hadrain was starting to push his buttons one by one.

Hadrian whistled a tune that was both familiar to Otto and Harper. His whistling drained the peace and quiet that Otto admired very deeply.

He swiftly came back with thin papers, an expensive fountain pen, and the smirk that he seemingly wore indefinitely.

"Choose wisely," Hadrian suggested.

Otto was sure this was rigged and he was against this in every way, shape, and form, but he never once expressed his opinion.

When the items were set on the glass table, Otto picked up the light fountain pen and warily examined the stack of papers that were set before him.

He had several teams to choose from and all of the teams were of excellent quality and extremely competitive.

He pondered deeply about his decision, resulting in him staring intently at the thin sheets of paper.

"Come on Otto," Hadrian said as he fiddled with his fingers impatiently, "I don't have all day y'know."

Otto lost his focus and shot a glare in Hadrian's direction, who seemed unfazed by Otto's reaction.

He signed his name near a team that he felt would have a good chance of winning and set the fountain pen down on the paper.

Hadrian smiled fiendishly and a depraved glint shimmered in his doe eyes.

Otto secretly loathed what Hadrian was doing and deep down Otto knew about his intentions and Hadrian didn't even have to a word about his intent either.

"Hmm let's see if you win this year Otto," Hadrian said faintly as he retrieved the papers and the ebony pen.

Otto almost rolled his eyes, but restrained himself and briskly walked out of Hadrian's office instead.

He didn't have to say anything either and Hadrian was aware that Otto silently wasn't a fan of bets which was why Hadrian loved casting the bets in the first place because he knew that Otto silently disagreed.

Hadrian smirked because he knew as long as he was submissive, he would always have the upper hand.

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