chapter 79

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I woke up and heard a bunch of yelling.

I quickly got up and followed the noise.

"why would you do that!" Josh yelled.

Oh god.

Who was he talking to.

"Its just a video" sebastian said and isaak nodded.

"But that's my girlfriend" he said.

"Ex" seb added.

"I know, okay I fucking know but I still love her and you cant just fucking do that" his voice cracked.

I stood at the door confused as hell.

Jaden and bryce were standing behind josh and isaak and seb were leaning against a wall.

What were they even talking about.

I walked away and grabbed my phone.

I looked at tiktok room and saw they had posted a video labeled "smash or pass". I saw a few snippets and he said he would smash me.

I'm guessing that's what this was about.

I walked back into the room.

"Not gonna lie it was hella disrespectful" jaden told them.

"Okay, we can delete it" they offered.

"Its already done, we know what you did and it's just a dick thing to do" Bryce said calmly.

They were so calm and josh was still yelling and angry.

"I mean addison's not mine but it's still something you dont do, ever heard of bro code?" Bryce asked walking over to them.

"I'm sorry" isaak said.

"What about you" he asked seb.

He just nodded.

"I'm not fucking sorry, I said what I said and now I cant fix it" he said.

"Just apologize" I said interrupting them.

"Oh nessa" they said and turned towards me.

"Stop fucking yelling I can hear you from a mile away and I'm trying to sleep" I said.

"Right, sorry" bryce said

I looked at jaden and he was trying not to laugh.

"Also, thought I would give my input, seb & isaak, idiots. Bryce, eh, josh shut the fuck up why are you yelling, and jaden why are you even here, you dont even like mads anymore" I said and they all went silent.

All of a sudden bryce started talking.

"Just leave" bryce said to the two boys

"Okay" they said and got up and went to leave.

It was silent in the room.

"Well this is awkward so I'm gonna go back to sleep" I said and tried leaving.

"Wait" bryce said

"Arent you a little mad" he asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm pissed, but what's yelling at them gonna do?" I asked.

They all shrugged.

"They will learn from their mistakes, they are gonna get alot of hate and I think that's enough" I smiled and walked out.

I went back go sleep and it was a great nap.

Hey everyone! I've had a break from this app and I'm so so sorry. I havent been in the best mindset and mentally not really the best. But im back and gonna be posting again. Although I would like some help.

Comment Ideas for the book or dm me!! I'm struggling as i only just got back eeeek

And what should we name the book??

Comment suggestions plz and I will love you forever xx

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