chapter 50

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It was the next day and I was last minute packing for my flight home today. Once I had finished I put my suitcase at the door ready to leave. I told avani about my mum last night so she was up to date with what was happening.

My flight was at 12 and it was 9am. I got ready to leave and went to say goodbye to avani. "Avani!" I yelled for her to come out so I could say goodbye. She ran out "byeeee nessa" she said and pulled me into a tight hug. We hugged for a few minutes and then let go. She kissed me on the cheek and I left in an uber.

I thought I should say good bye to josh so I went to the sway house for a quick stop before my flight. I walked in. I hugged everyone good bye and then went upstairs to see josh. "Bye bye" I said as I walked into his room. "Aw bye ness" he said hugging me tightly. "Bye baby" I said and kissed him passionately. "I love you" he said as I started walking away. "I love you too" I said and walked out. I walked out of the sway house and jumped back in the uber to the airport. I was used to long distance with him since that's what our relationship was until I moved out to LA.

I got out of the uber and went through security. I was in the waiting room on my phone waiting for my flight to be called.

Soon enough my flight was called and I walked to get onto the plane

Skip plane ride

I went to baggage claim and collected all my stuff. I was super tired and I just wanted to go to sleep. I ordered an uber quickly and waited outside for it. When it arrived I grabbed my bag and sat inside it.

It took about 10 minutes to get home since it was so late and there was hardly any traffic. "Thankyou" I said shutting the door to the uber. I turned to my house and knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw my dad. I havent seen or talked to my dad in person for so long. He left a few years ago and we didnt really talk about him that often. "Hey nessa" he said smiling at me. "Uhm hey" I said walking inside without a hug or anything. I saw my younger brother sitting on the couch and ran and gave him a hug. Me and him were very close and I missed him alot. He was pretty young so I was confused why he was still awake. "Uhm why is he still awake" I asked my dad. "Oh yeah, uhhh" he said trying to think if a reason. My dad was very irresponsible so I wasnt suprised. I took my brother upstairs and told him to sleep. I made my way back downstairs to talk to my dad about mum. "So, hows mum" I asked walking into the kitchen where he was sitting. "I dont know, I guess okay" he said unsure. "That's helpful" I said sarcastically. "Nessa, shes not doing great, I mean she was just in a car accident" my dad said getting mad. "I know but I would like to know what even happened to her!" I said raising my voice at him. "Well you would know if you were a good daughter and came to visit her more often" he said practically yelling at me. "I dont need this right now." I said tears filling my eyes and running upstairs and locking my door.

I had some messages from josh checking if I got home safe and I replied with yes. And that's it. Which is very unlike me but I dont think he noticed. I quickly posted on my private Instagram acckunt and fell asleep.

@ness2nd: yo back home hits diff@joshsprivate: I miss u bby@ness2nd: I miss u <3@avanis2nd: COME BACK@ness2nd: I can't </3@lewismads: I'm here if you need babe <3@ness2nd: ty love <3@jadenhossler: I hope mamas getting better 🖤🖤@ness2nd: same <3L...

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@ness2nd: yo back home hits diff
@joshsprivate: I miss u bby
@ness2nd: I miss u <3
@avanis2nd: COME BACK
@ness2nd: I can't </3
@lewismads: I'm here if you need babe <3
@ness2nd: ty love <3
@jadenhossler: I hope mamas getting better 🖤🖤
@ness2nd: same <3
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It was the next morning and I woke up early so I could go see my mum. I grabbed some clothes and got changed. I didnt do any makeup and threw my hair into a messy bun. I didnt really care what i looked like, I just wanted to see my mum. I went to see julian ( my younger brother ) and he was still asleep. I left him a note saying where I was in case he wondered. I left without talking to my dad and jumped in my car heading to the hospital. I stopped at Starbucks and got a pink drink. I also got my mums favourite drink in case she wanted it.

I arrived at the hospital and asked to see my mum. "What's your relationship to her" the lady asked. "I'm her daughter" I said waiting patiently. "Right this way" the nurse said and led me down a few hallways to her room. I walked in and saw my mum asleep on the hospital bed. I let her rest and sat on the chair next to the bed. She looked terrible. She looked weak and frail. I placed her drink down on her table next to the bed and went on my phone replying to texts that I had gotten over the night.

Josh 🖤
Hey bby
I miss you
I love you
Spend time with your mum and be happy

Ness ✌
Hey babe
I will! I love you and I will call you soon

I found it weird that josh was saying all this weird stuff but I just looked past it and saw my mums eyes open. "Mum" I said looking at her. "Hey baby" she tried smiling at me. I gave her a hug and talked to her about everything. She told me all about the car accident. It must have been pretty bad because of her injuries. "So when do you think my mum can be released" I said hopefull to the nurse. "Hopefully soon we just want to make sure she is healthy and safe to go home" she said smiling at me. "Okay cool" I said and went back to sit with my mum. "Is this mine" my mum asked gesturing towards the Starbucks drink. "Oh yeah, i thought you might want it rather than this gross hospital stuff" i said and she just smiled. "Thankyou" she said.

It had been a few days and I was back at the hospital. My mum was already looking and feeling better and I was very happy about it. A few days ago I was crying about her accident but now I knew everything was going to be okay. She was being released today and i was excited for her to finally come home.

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