chapter 11

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Chase walked in with flowers. It was silent and everyone in the room just stared at him. Chase was holding the flowers out for me to grab. "H-hi" he said breaking the silence. I looked at josh and he was just looking at me. I didnt want to take them. "Could you please leave" I said not making eye contact with him. "Yea sure uhm" he placed the flowers down. "With the flowers" I said still calmly. "Yea, uh, sorry" and he walked out.

Today I am let out of the hospital and able to go home. "What a crazy first day living in LA experience" I said. They both just looked at me and I smiled and so did they. We hopped in the car and went home. We got chick fil a on the way home and I ate mine in the car. I didnt want to talk about what chase did. I was mad but I also just wanted to cry. Josh didnt show that much affection towards me that night until i was in the hospital. He was busy I guess, dealing with chase.

When we walked in the door I went upstairs and laid on my/Josh's bed. Soon my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep. "Nessa?" I heard someone call my name, my eyes opened slightly and I saw avani standing above me. I gave her a hug and she sat on my bed. We talked for a while about everything that was going on and about the other night. She was fun to talk to and it was never boring. "Wanna take some pics outside, it's really pretty" she said. "Sure" I replied following her down the steps and outside. No one else was home, everyone had gone to UCLA to make youtube content. I dont think they wanted me to be alone so that's why avani stayed...

When we got outside we took pictures of each other and with eachother using the self timer on my phone. "Send those to me" she said, "ofcourse of course" I said and sending them to her phone.


@nessabarrett: I love her ❤

@avani: but u love you most 😳
@nessabarrett: bruh, impossible...😝
@jadenhossler: are those my sweats
@nessabarrett: guilty...😳
@chasehudson: text me?
@joshrichards: hmm nah?
@nessabarrett: 😳😳😳
@luvanthony: but I love her too 😳
@nessabarret: hmm too bad 🤡

Chase wanted me to text him. He had been texting me ever since I told him to leave the hospital. I just ignored them. Left him on read most of the time. I should block him but i dont want to create more drama, more than there already is I guess..........

I'm sorry
Text me back
Read 2 days ago
Read 1 day ago
I'm so so sorry
Please accept my apology
Read at 5pm

Basically I dont want to talk to him, and I dont want him to talk to me.

I heard the door unlock and went and gave josh a hug he came and sat next to me on the couch editing the video he just filmed with the boys.

We had dinner and then I went to the bathroom. Of course when I leave I hear my phone ringing i didnt go back because i thought it would be my mum since I hadn't called her since I'd been here. I thought josh would just tell her I would be right back.

Josh's pov
Nessa left to the bathroom and her phone started ringing. It read
"chase 🖕" not gonna lie, I chuckled at that. I answered the phone. "Nessa!" He sounded excited. "No" I said in my deep voice. "Josh? Wheres nessa" he said. "Unavaliable atm" I said. "Oh, well this call was for her" he said. I didnt reply. It was very silent and awkward. "So why did you call. You do and say all this shit to her but here you are trying to get her to like you?" I said raising my voice. "I down know, I just, I'm sorry" he said. "Sorry doesnt fix this, or anything you've done, it's just a word. It means nothing coming from you" I said my voice calmer. "Mm, ok, your right, I dont know what you want me to say though" he said. "Just stop acting all perfect. Your not. And your in the wrong. I hope you know that you hurt not only her, but me and the boys aswell." U said with a firm voice. By now I had walked into my bedroom forgetting nessa was in the bathroom getting changed and taking he makeup off. I put him on speaker so it was easier for me to hear. "literally how, we are still friends" he said. "you have the AUDACITY to still cal us FRIENDS, ur kidding me right?" I yelled at some parts. "WELL ITS HER FAULT FOR LEADING ME ON" he yelled back. He always blamed it on nessa I don't know why or how. "Chase I think you should just leave nessa the fuck alone. She doesnt want or need you near her." I said. I was pissed. "I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU SAY, I WILL get her and you will be sorry." He said getting quieter as he continued talking. I hung up. And I heard someone sniffling in the bathroom. Shit. Nessa.

Nessas pov.
I heard josh walk into the room but I was still talking my makeup off. I heard josh on a phone call. He started yelling into the phone and I heard the person on the other side of the phone start yelling back. The phone was on speaker and I could hear everything. I heard "chase I think you should leave nessa the fuck alone. She doesnt want or need you near her." Josh said. Chase started yelling back and then josh again. I just started crying in the bathroom. I was trying to keep it quiet which I was until I sniffed in. Josh walked in and he tried comforting me.

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