chapter 13

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Josh led me through the crowd to meet his friend who's hosting the party. Him name was Tayler Holder. "Hey tayler" they did there bro hug thing and josh introduced me. He was pretty chill and me and tayler just started talking for a bit but when I turned back to see josh he wasnt there. "Do you know where josh went?" I asked tayler. "Not sure, maybe try over there" he painted where a bunch of people were standing around. I saw josh and I walked up to him. He had a drink in his hand. He offered me some but I declined. "Let's play truth or dare" someone from the crowd yelled. Those who wanted to play sat in a circle. I sat close to josh. "Truth or dare tayler?" Dani said after getting off elijah. "Hmmm truth" he said. "Are you dating dixie?" She said. He looked sad. "Uhm, no, we arent" he looked down. "Anyways, truth or dare" he looked around the room "josh". "Dare" he said confidently. "I dare you to kiss olivia" he looked at me but I looked away. He stood up and went up to this random girl, olivia, and kissed her on the cheek. "Gotta stay loyal" he said and everyone laughed. When he sat back down I held his hand. "Truth or dare, payton" he said. Payton was wasted. He had a lot to drink. "Hmm, dare" he said "I dare you to kiss mads" josh said. Payton went up and kissed mads on the lips. I was glad jaden wasnt here. Mads was his ex. I dont know why josh would make him go that especially when he probably wont remember it in the morning. "Let's see, truth or dare, nessa?" He said. "Uhm, truth" I replied. I felt everyone staring at me. "Is it true that" he stuttered. "That chase basically raped you in your own home?" He said. I looked at him, then at josh. How could josh tell payton that. I dont even know payton that well. I tried holding the tears in as I ran out the door and ordered an uber home. Not only was that embarrassing but it reminded me of everything, just when I was getting over it and forgetting about it. I saw josh run outside while I was waiting for an uber. "Nessa, I'm sorry about what he said" josh said. "Why would you tell him, I dont even know who he is josh" i said holding back the tears in my eyes. "I dont know, cause I wanted to" he said. "Well....I didnt want you too, and now look where it's got me" I said "I didnt even want to go to this stupid party" I added. "Your being ridiculous, your over reacting about this" he said raising his voice. "You've got to be fucking kidding me, I'm not over reacting. I'm hurt. You dont understand what it feels like and you never will" I yelled at him. I saw avani rush down to see me. "Ness, are you o-" she was interrupted by josh. I saw my uber coming. "Nessa, you cant just leave me here because you are hurt, shit happens and not everything is perfect in this world" he said. I opened the uber door avani jumped in. "Josh, I cant talk to you right now, just leave me alone!" I slammed the door and the uber drove off. As soon as I closed the door I started crying into Avanis shoulder. She tried comforting me. "I'm so sorry ness" she said wiping the tears from my eyes even though there was no point because more just kept coming out.

I took the uber to Avanis house. I was gonna stay there tonight.

Avanis pov
I let nessa stay with me tonight because I wouldnt want to stay with my boyfriend of he was acting like josh did. I text jaden cause I know they are very close and he would be able to help.

Hey j, I need your help
Yo, what's wrong?
Its nessa, josh is being a dick, shes staying at mine. Could you bring her some clothes, her charger and maybe even some chocolate to cheer her up.
I'm omw, be there soon x
Thank you x

Nessas pov
I walked into Avanis apartment and laid on her bed until the tears stopped coming. I heard someone at the door avani opened it. I heard jaden. I went up to the door and saw jaden. I walked up and gave him a tight hug. He gave me some clothes, my charger and some chocolates. I hugged him again. "You look a mess" ge said. "Woowwwww, thanks"i said sarcastically. I got changed and wiped my face. Avani told jaden about what happened. We were all on avanis bed and jaden got a text from ant.

J, I need some help w josh
What happened
Hes completely wasted and wont leave until he sees nessa
Well shes not coming for him
That's why I need you
Ok I'm omw

"I gotta go, Josh is drunk" jaden said. "Ok, take care of him" I said look at jaden and then hugging him. "I will" he said and left.

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