chapter 35

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For the rest of the day I stayed in bed with avani watching movies and cuddling. NOT WITH JADEN. I didnt even know if jaden knew what happened. I didnt want to tell him anyways. "I'm back" anthony yelled while entering our room. Me and avani looke at him and he had food. My favourite. Chick-fil-A. "I got you some chcik-fil-a" he said handing me and avani the bag of food. "Thankyou so much ant" I said grabbing the bag and looking what was inside. I hadnt eaten all day, to be honest I had forgotten about it. I didnt want to eat but I knew that I needed to. I ate some food and went on my phone once the movie finished. Ne and avani were just laying there now with ant on the end next to avani. We stayed on our phones and put on a few more movies. It was kind of boring but u didnt feel like going out.

It was like 9pm and me and avani wanted ice cream so we made anthony drive us to get some. We entered the store and got our ice cream. We sat down at a table and ate it while we talked. We laughed and doing this made me feel a lot better, knowing that I had amazing friends that will always be there for me and love me for who I am. I am very thankful for them both.

When we finished eating we said thankyou and walked out. We jumped in the car and I got a text from Jaden.

Jae 😎
Yo, heard abt josh...are you okay?

Ness 🤩
I dont really wanna talk about it :(

Jae 😎
Oh okay, sorry..

Ness 🤩
Dont worry about it, I'll tell you about it tmrw x

Jae 😎
Ok x

I wondered who had told him. I mean no one else was really in the room when it happend and avani and ant had been with me the whole day.

When we got home me and avani were gonna share a bed because we swapped rooms. "Your kidding me" I said staring at a post on tiktok room.

@tiktokroom: josh goes live and talks about how nessa cheated on him

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@tiktokroom: josh goes live and talks about how nessa cheated on him..twice!!! 👀

@joshrichards: I feel bad for exposing her but...
@tiktokroom: it's for the best!
@user1: she doesnt deserve josh
@user892: nessa would never do that
@user88: nessa is such a b*tch
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I turned my phone to show avani. She covered her mouth in shock. "What the hell is wrong with him" she said raising her voice. "What happened?" Ant asked and chase sat up to listen. "Josh, hes claiming I cheated..I didnt I would never" I started tearing up. "What the fuck" anthony said grabbing my phone to look. Chase came over to comfort me as well. I couldn't say anything. Plus it was nice that he actually cared. I was crying...again. "why would he say that?" I said in between tears dropping from my face. "Hes just being a dick" chase said. I was crying into avanis shirt and she just held me there letting all my tears fall.

Anthony's pov

"Josh, hes claiming that I cheated...i would never" nessa said crying. "What the fuck" I said running over to see what she was talking about. She started crying and crying leaning into avani and letting it all out. She even kept chase come ove and comfort her which was a first. I gave her, her phone back and grabbed mine out to text josh. Me and josh were pretty close, josh would never usually do anything like that so that's why I was so confused.


nt 🐜

What the fuck. Who do you think you are, lying about nessa cheating on you????
Read at 9:25pm
Josh. You cant ignore me forever
Read at 9:30pm
I just wanna say that was a dick move and nessa would never try and hurt you
Read at 9:45pm

Why isnt he replying to me. It was pissing me off. Why would he do that to her. He loves her. He loves her so fucking much and he screwed up big time.

Nessas pov

"Hes not answering his messages" ant said to me. I just wiped my eyes on avanis shirt and opened my phone. I had to give an explanation on why josh said that. I had no proof and I would have to say that chase tried to get with me but i didnt wanna throw him under the bus. Again.

"I dont know what to say" I said looking up at avani. "Just say the facts. You didnt cheat and you love josh but dont know why hes acting up" she said. I pulled up instagram and got ready to post.

@nessabarrett: hi everyone

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@nessabarrett: hi everyone. I just heard about what josh said on his live and it breaks my heart that he would do such a thing. I love josh with all of my heart and i would never hurt him even if I got the chance. This is why it makes me so upset that he would claim that I would cheat on him and twice. I havent and would never cheat on josh or anyone for that. I dont deserve the mass amounts of hate I'm already getting, im innocent. I just wanted to give my word and let you know the truth behind the live. I love him but he doesnt love me. Well not anymore. My heart is officially broken. Thankyou for reading </3

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