chapter 32

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I woke up to my alarm going off at 8 30am. I got up, took a shower got into my clothes and did my makeup for the first show today.

I wore this

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I wore this

I walked out of the bathroom and saw everyone else all dressed and ready to go. I grabbed my bag, keys and phone and followed them out the door. It was 9 30 by the time we got to the venue and we were early. I decided to call josh since I wasnt really talking to anyone else. We called and talked until I had to go on for my show. "Bye" I said and hung up. I went backstage and waited with everyone else. "Please welcome chase hudson, noen eubanks, jaden hossler, cynthia parker, avani Gregg, Anthony's reeves, made lewis and nessa barrett". I ran on stage and everyone was cheering I took a video and posted it to my story. We all sat down. I was in between chase and avani. we answered some questions before the meet and greet and then we met all our supporters. A few girls started crying because they were meeting me. "Hi love" I said giving them a huge hug. "Sorry, I love you nessa" they said. I reassured them it was okay and gave them another hug before they left to see chase. I got some bracelets, some snacks and a few posters. My fans were so sweet. After a few hours it had finished and I was so tired we went back to the hotel room and relaxed for a bit. Jaden hadnt really talked to me all day so I wasnt sure if he was mad at me or not.

"We are going to get dinner" avani called out and I got up and followed her downstairs. "Wheres everyone else" i asked. "They are on there way" she replied. We got a table at this resturant and everyone joined in later on. Chase was next to me and I was on the end. Everyone was talking and laughing. I felt chases eyes burning on jaden. Jaden was staring at me. When I looked up I caught jadens eyes on me and he quickly turned away. I just ignored it for now.
The lady came with our food and put it in front of us. We ate pretty quick. I was sitting there on my phone because I was bored at the table and I felt a warm hand in my thigh. I looked at chase and down and my thigh. I grabbed his hand and put it into his chest. "No thankyou" I said looking back at my phone. "Why, i know you want me ness" he whispered to me so no one else could hear. "I literally dont doe" I said laughing. We all got up and left back for the hotel. We needed to pack up for the next show. I was first in the bus and I found a seat right at the back where me and jaden sat last time. Jaden was next to come in. He made eye contact with me and turned away to find another seat. That was weird. Next chase came in and he sat next to me. I moved closer to the window and put my airpods in. I listened to music until I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was i heard my name in an arguement. I kept quiet to listen what they were talking about. It was jaden and chase. "Shes staying in my room so I can carry her up" I heard chase say. "She wouldnt want that" jaden said walking closer to chase. "Well it's not your decision what she wants, its hers" he raised his voice. "Shhh, your gonna wake her up" jaden said quieting him down. "Let me just take her up" jaden added. "She doesnt want you jaden" chase said getting mad. "You know what else she wouldnt want, you two fighting over who gets to take her to her room" anthony called out. "Shes asleep she cant hear us" chase said. I sat up and anthony was staring at me. I got out of my seat. "I was asleep" I said saying was louder than the other words. I pushed past them and grabbed onto antonys hand and he led me out of the bus. We walked up to the room meeting everyone there. "Who am I sharing with?" I said collapsing onto avanis bed. "Chase, cynthia and me" Anthony said. I walked out and went to my room. Me and cynthia were gonna share and chase and ant would share. It was pretty late so I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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