chapter 74

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"Hello?" I said into the phone that was put on speaker.

I heard someone sigh.

"Hey, Nessa its josh, I need your help and I just I didnt know who else to call-" he started rambling, he sounded really guilty and nervous.

"Okay, so what happened whats wrong, what can I do?" I asked him.

"I'm stuck at a gas station and I need money and help I guess" He said to me his voice shakey.

"Wait why what fill me in" I said confused.

"Okay...well I fucked up. Okay. Jae and bryce are in cuffs and it's all my fault. I just need help okay so please please please say you can come" he said I could tell he was almost in tears.

I didn't say anything.
Holy shit.
I stayed calm.
And said -

"Right now?" I said unsure.

"Yeah, if you can" he assured me.

"Ofcourse, I'll get a ticket and be there soon" I said rushing around.

"Wow, thankyou so so much, I cant talk much right now cause I gotta call everyone but I will update you" he said his voice still shakey.

"Okay, yes ofcourse, I'll be there soon" I said running upstairs.

"Okay. Bye, I love you" he said nervously.

"Love you too" I said and hung up.

It felt normal for me to say i love you, but it wasnt supposed to, I dont think..

I was upstairs grabbing my shoes and a hoodie and ran back downstairs.

"Where do you think your going" ant asked me.

"To texas" I said stressed out

"Uhm without me?" He questioned.

"Ant, you dont have to come" I told him.

"I want too, plus i know you hate flying alone" he smiled.

"Fine" I said because he was right i didnt really wanna go alone.

"Let me just say bye to avani" he said and turned around.

A few minutes later he came back and smiled.

"Ready" he said and walked out the door.

"Ness?" Avani said.

I turned around and was wrapped in a hug.

"Be safe, and careful" she said and letting go.

"I will" I said and walked out the door following anthony into the uber.

We stopped at a bank to get out a bunch of money like josh asked, the lady probably found us weird but at this point I could care less.

We were at the airport.

Anthony went up to by the tickets while I saved us a seat in the waiting area.

"Got them" he said approaching me.

"Thanks" I said half smiling

"Are you okay?" He asked and sat next to me.

I nodded.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Not really" I informed him

"I'm sorry" Anthony said giving me a side hug.

"Its not your fault" I said.

"I'm just so worried about the boys" i told him.

"Same, they will be okay though" he reassured me and I leaned my head against his shoulder while we waited for out flight.

"I hope so" i whispered.

I woke up on the plane and saw anthony next to me.

"Hey" ant said next to me.

"Wait, how did I get here" I said confused.

"I carried you....duh" he said like I was dumb.

"Right" I said and all of a sudden the plane took off.

I dont know why but this time I was so nervous, really nervous.

I think Anthony could tell because he grabbed my hand.

It was about a 3 hours flight and I didnt sleep again.

We were just about to land so I woke ant up.

"What" he grumbled.

"We are about to land" I whispered.

"Cant you just carry me" he said rubbing his eyes.

I just laughed.

We got off the plane and caught an uber to the location josh sent me on my phone.

"Thankyou" I smiled as I shut the door.

"Let's find josh" ant said looking around.

We walked for a bit heading closer to the gas station.

I saw someone standing around looking lost, and stressed out too, I saw a few cop cars surrounding the area.

I stopped to check it was josh.

It was.

"Josh" I yelled!

I ran up to him and jumped in his arms.

I hugged him tightly.

"Ness" he whispered hugging me tighter.

He put me down and saw Anthony.

He hugged anthony too.

"So what's the plan" I said unsure.

"Well as you can see, the cops are here" he said pointing out the obvious.

We both nodded.

"So when they leave I can tell you the whole story" josh said avoiding eye contact with me.

"Okay?" Anthony and I said at the same time.

"Why when they leave?" I asked innocently.

"Just because, your gonna hate me for this but I cant tell you until they leave" he repeated.

We both nodded again.

We waited around for a few more minutes. We talked about the money I brang and how it was to bail jaden and Bryce out, but he didnt say anything about how, or why they were arrested.

The cops left finally and it was time to hear the full story. I wasnt ready for what I was about to hear, it honestly had me shocked.

Question of the chapter is
What is your favourite food?


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