chapter 43

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I waited for avani to get back from the movies so we could go home. Hours had past and she wasnt back yet. Everyone at the house were all cuddled up on the couch watching movies which distracted me from the fact its 11pm and I should probably be at home by now.

The movie finished and I got up to get soemthing to eat. We ordered pizza for dinner and ate it but that was a while ago so I went and got some cereal since I was getting hungry.

I sat back in my spot next to jaden and griffin on the couch. "What movie should we watch now" kio asked looking through disney and netflix. We talked about it and ended up choosing grown ups. Half way through the movie I fell asleep on jadens shoulder.

I woke up and it was the morning. Everyone was still on the couch and asleep. I got up from leaning on jadens shoulder and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and fixed my makeup a little bit since I looked messy. When I walked back downstairs I saw avani. "You ready to go" avani said smiling at me. "Yeah, just let me say goodbye" I said walking back up the stairs to say goodbye to everyone that was upstairs. "Bye kio" I said walking into his room and giving him a hug. "Bye neessaaaa" he said waving at me as I walked out. Next i walked into Josh's room. He was getting changed and I quickly turned around and walked out. He saw me quickly turn around. "Oh uh sorry nessa" he said chuckling and sliding his shirt on. "Nah dont worry it's my fault I should have knocked" I said laughing. "Did you need something" he said "oh yeah, i just wanted to say goodbye" i said walking up to him. I didnt know if i was supposed to hig him but i just went for it. As i walked up to him he pulled me in and gave me a hug. We stood there for a minute. I pulled away and he looked into my eyes. I could tell he was looking at my lips. I wanted to kiss him but I knew it wasnt the right time. He kept staring at me. "Nessa" avani called. I let go and so did he. "I better go" I said and turned around as he waved goodbye. "Coming" I said running down the stairs. "Bye jae, bye griff" I said giving them each a hug on the couch. "Bur bryceee" I said hugging him aswell. Anthony was outside with avani. "Bye ant" I said going outside and hugging him. "Bye ness" he said as me and avani walked out to her car. "Soooo howd it go" I said to avani while she started up the car. "I dont know what your talking about" avani said pretending she didnt know what I was saying. "YOU AMD ANTHONY" I yelled at her. She didnt say anything just blushed. "Come on vani spill" I said AMD she told me all about the date and the ring and him. In a way it was gross since Anthony was one of my bestfriends but otherwise it was so cute and I shipped them so hard.

When we got home I made food and watched some movies. During the movie josh was texting me.

Josh 😊

Ness 💗
Watching a movie. Hby?

Josh 😊
Chilling in bed haha

Ness 💗

Josh 👀
Just like you

Ness 💗
Ew stop I just cringed so hard

Josh 😊

We talked for ages more and the conversation went smoothly. It was nice to be friends again. I missed just talking to him to be honest.

"Is that josh!" Avani said reading over my shoulder. "How are you guys" she said. "We are fineee" I said smiling a little to hard. "You were in his room a little longer than usual" she said winking at me. "What- no stopppp" I said. "Then spill" she said staring into my soul. "Fine" i said and we paused the movie while i told her all about how we almost kissed and how we are friends now. Avani was always good at listening and giving me advice.

@nessabarrett: felt cute <3@Joshrichards: you are 🙈@Nessabarrett: <3@Avani: stunning bby 😍@nessabarrett: you

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@nessabarrett: felt cute <3
@Joshrichards: you are 🙈
@Nessabarrett: <3
@Avani: stunning bby 😍
@nessabarrett: you.
@Jadenhossler: very cute 🤩
@Nessabarrett: come over 😁
@madslewis: so gorgeous ness 🤩
@nessabarrett: thank you mads 💗
@anthonyreeves: you got leds
@nessabarrett: YESSSSS
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I posted on insta later on in the night and then fell asleep after reading through all my comments and replying to a few.

I woke up early and made some breakfast for both me and avani. I woke her up when i finished and she came out to eat with me. "Thankyou" she said smiling at me. "Your welcome" I said smiling back. "Wanna go to that party at mads new house" she said hopefull. "Hmm I dont know, every party I've been too has turned out bad" I said lauging it off. It's TRUE though. One time me and josh had a huge fight and the other one Jaden told me he liked me and got into a fight. So I dont have a very good experience with partys. "Please please please" she begged. "Fine" I gave in and went to get ready for a photo shoot we were having. I put on a really cute outfit and did my makeup. I walked out ready about the same time avani did and we drove to the shoot. It had been an hour or so of taking pictures after picture and getting into a new outfit every 10 minutes. We had finally finished and got into some normal clothes to go home. Me and avani jammed out to music on the way home and sang our hearts out. When we walked into our apartment I jumped on the couch to lay down. "What are you doing" avani said confused. "Laying down, why" I said. "Its party time, come get ready" she said walking into her bedroom.

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