chapter 73

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When I woke up I saw avani awake next to me.

"Goodmonring love" she said smiling at me.

"Hey" I said back.

Everything hit me all at once.

Josh. Mistake. Breakup. Pain. Fuck.

I grabbed my phone and sat up. I fucked up didnt I. Oh no.

Josh 🌸

Ness 🌟
Can we talk
Whenever your ready

He didnt answer at first so I texted him again and again and again.

"What are you doing!?" Avani said looking over my shoulder.

"Nothing!" I said turning my phone away from her.

"Seriously ness" she said grabbing the phone from my hands and reading the messages I had previously sent.

"I made a mistake" I said and sat back.

"Ness, you didnt. He shouldnt have made you choose" she reassured me.

"But I already miss him. I love him avani" I said sad.

"I know ness but he needs to get over this stupid jealousy thing because its fucking ridiculous" she ranted.

"I know" I said.

Josh 🌸

Ness 🌟
I'm ready when you are
You probably arent even awake
Tell me when you make up your mind
I'll just come over
Be over in 10
See you soon

I spammed him. I felt so clingy but I just wanted to talk.

Avani was going over to see ant which gave me an excuse to come.

"Get ready" avani said and pulled me out of bed.

"Okay" I said and walked to the bathroom.

"I'm ready" I called out like 5 minutes later.

We jumped in her car and drove to sway.

10:00, in the car....

"How did you find out abt josh and i" I asked confused.

I wondered who told her.

"Oh ant text me" she smiled.

"Oh, he heard everything" I realised.

"Yup, your really said his full name, that's weird" she laughed.

"Shutup" I smacked her playfully.

She rolled her eyes at me and we soon arrived at sway.

10:15, arrived at sway

We both walked in and the house was empty.

"Hello?" We called out.

"Voni!!" Ant called out and gave her a hug and kissed her passionately.

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