josh and charli (part 2)

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okay truth or dare charli" ant said

"uhh truth" she smiled

"do you actually like josh or-"

"yes i do" she snapped cutting him off

i laughed uncontrollably and so did cynthia next to me.
yeahhhh i was drunk. LOL.

"okay nessa truth or dare" charli said

"dare" i shrugged still smiling from laughing with cynthia

"i dare you to kiss jaden" she smiled

i looked at mads and she gave me signals that her and jaden were off anyway.

i smiled at her.

"ew" i laughed going over to jaden.

"shutup" he said and i kissed him on the lips and walked back to cynthia.

"hm okay bryce" i said


"i dare you to throw charli in the pool"

"okay" he said and didnt hesitate

cynthia was laughing so hard which made me laugh. this is like her dream come true

she got out of the pool and went to sit back on josh's lap but he rejected her cause he didnt want to get wet too.
everyone went quiet trying not to laugh as charli now had to sit on the floor. 

"okay now josh" bryce said

"truth" he rolled his eyes

"dont roll ur eyes" he said laughing a bit

"sorry just feels like you guys are attacking me and char"

"cause we are" anthony said
everyone laughed

"anyways have you and charli ever like done anything before tonight. like when ness was still in the picture cause like it's kinda random. like-"

"no" he lied quickly

"it's called truth for a reason" i smiled

charlis face was blank and josh was a bad liar.

"what are you talking about?" josh said staring at me

"im talking about that one time i saw you two kissing in the pool on tour" i said

"what. did you tell her" charli said looking up at josh

"shutup" josh said to her quickly

lol she just admitted it.

"so maybe you should go home and learn how to play the easiest game on earth" avani said laughing to herself

he just sat there.

"well you know what! yeah nessa. that wasnt the only time. we did it. right before you two broke up!!!!" charli yelled at me 

out of no where.
this bitch
this attention seeking bitch.

"before?" addison shouted

i got up. now sober as ever. well so i thought. cynthia helped me stay standing cause i was still drunk.

"you both a fucking stupid" i said in there faces

charli shrugged like a fucking bitch

"ness just stop" josh said to me

"so who's the fucking cheater now?" I smiled at him

"that's not fair"

"it is" jaden said

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