rest of the night

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i looked at josh. and his face was covered in guilt.

"shut the fuck up payton" josh yelled struggling to stand up.

that last drink probably finished him off.

i shook my head and felt the tears build up in my eyes.

"fuck you" i said to josh and got up and walked outside

i ordered and uber which was coming in a couple minutes.

"ness. please dont leave" josh said

i didnt reply

"it's not a big deal" he said

"are you fucking kidding me?" i said turning around 

he just looked at me. no reply.

i clicked my tongue "i cant believe you right now"

he continued to not say anything. and just stare at me. he was speechless. i guess.

"i didnt even want to come to this stupid party" i said turning around

"then why did you come?"

"to make you happy. i didnt want you to miss out"

"oh" was all he said

and then there was silence.

"sorry" he said breaking it.

"say something" he said

"i dont know what you want me to say josh" i said "im so fucking disappointed that you even told anyone i thought i could trust you more than that"

"you can. it was a mistake and im sorry"

"i know you are but just let me think i just need some space"

"why it's not a big deal"

"to you! it is a big deal to me. im actually hurt that you did that and saying sorry isn't gonna take away that fact that you did it"

"you know i didnt mean to hurt you" he said "im sorry"

"stop saying that. it's not helping. just talk to me tomorrow" i said

"stay" he said quickly so i wouldn't leave

"i don't want to. i don't wanna be around you right now" i said

"we can just fucking talk about it."

"josh." quinton said walking over with cynthia following close behind

josh looked at quinton and back at me

i tried walking away but he grabbed my arm

"stay with me" he said

"josh let me go. i just wanna go and be alone for a bit" i said

"nessa we can talk about this"

"yeah we can. but not right now when you're drunk and i need some time to think."

"im not letting you leave" he said gripping me harder

"let me go!" i said angrily and pulled my arm away from him and walked away

i just left him there with quinton cause i didnt know what else to do. quinton would look after him forsure.

"i can take you back to mine" cynthia offered

"thankyou" i said grabbing her hand

"come on" she said and we walked to her car and drove off and to her house

i completely forgot about the uber and had to cancel it while my tears slid off my phone.

when we got to her house i had finally stopped crying, for the most part..

we walked into her house and i just laid on her bed.

she laid there with me in silence

"im sorry for ruining the party for you" i said

"ness you didnt ruin anything. fucking josh did with his loud mouth plus it was a shit party" she said and i nodded. i still felt bad.

"i texted jaden. hes coming over" she said

"he doesn't feel well though"

"you're his bestfriend ness"

"yeah but you are my bestfriend too" i said

"i know but hes bringing food and im hungry" she said and i started laughing

avani <3
-hey ness
-you okay?
-i'll be okay
-text me if you need anything
-i will

"ill get it" cynthia said as the door knocked

"ok" i said

jaden burst through the door and jumped on the bed

i laughed "hey"

"hey. what's wrong"

"didnt cynthia already tell you"

"no she just told me to get my ass here with food"

i cracked up


she shrugged and started eating the food he brang

i told him all about the party and everything that happened.

"shit are you alright"

"yeah im just pissed"

"as you should" he said clapping trying to make us laugh

which worked.

"im gonna stay here tonight though" i told him

"okay" he replied

"also i thought you didnt feel well?"

"i dont" he chuckled

"thankyou for coming" i smiled and hugged him

my phone started going off
i looked at it and they were messages from josh

"its josh" i said

"dont reply" cynthia said

"let me just see what hes saying"

baby 💓
-come barckk
-im sorrrye

"hes drunk. i can tell by the messages"

i didnt reply to him and instead i turned my phone off and laid down about to fall asleep when i heard cynthia and jaden talking

"josh is fucked up at the party" jaden said "ant just text, hes drunk as fuck"

"are you kidding" she replied

"nah. ant said that he needs me"

"you cant just leave ness"

"yeah but what about josh"

"it's okay jade you can go" i said sitting up

"you sure. im sorry"

"it's okay. he needs you. just make sure he gets home safe"

"i will" jaden said and hugged me

"bye" he said and hugged cynthia and walked out the door quickly

"why did you do that" cynthia asked as soon as the door shut.

"do what?"

"you let him go"

"because they need him" i said "and i dont hold a grudge like you"

"right" she said and i laughed

"goodnight love" she said

"night" i said and fell asleep soon after

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