Frost - Chapter 39

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


"Good morning, Mommy!" I chirped, following the scent of delicious food to the kitchen.

She was in the kitchen cooking delightful smelling pancakes, and she brightly smiled when she noticed I was there. "Good morning, sweetie. How'd you sleep?"

I walked up and stood next to her, watching the pancakes sizzle on the stove top. "Really well!"

"That's good, sweetie. How's everything look?"

I grabbed one that had already been cooked with my paws, not even caring about etiquette now that my friends, especially Volt, weren't around anymore. "Delicious!" I declared, swallowing the mouthful of food.

"Well, I'm glad about that! By the way, could you go grab some groceries for me this morning? I'm running low on a few things, and it would be lovely if you could help me out."

"Of course, Mom! Where's your list?" She pointed to the counter next to the stove, where her grocery list was sitting. I grabbed it and a backpack, then ran out of the house, running to the stores that were on the other side of the island, where I eventually arrived. I entered a store with the shopping list in my maw, grabbing a basket along the way. I picked up a few small things, until I spotted someone that I couldn't believe I was seeing. In front of me, a female Jolteon was picking out a few items from the shelves. She had dark brown eyes, and wore a purple scarf much like the light-blue one I used to wear.

"Sky, is that you..?" I quietly questioned, looking her up and down. She turned to face me, gasping.

"Frost!" She cried, jumping to hug me. "I can't believe this, I never thought I would see you again!"

"Sky, I thought the same!" I cried, hugging her back. "It's been so long, what've you been doing this whole time?!"

"I've been here this whole time, but I've always wondered where you went! Where did you go, anyways?" She asked, stepping away from me.

"I was here for a while, but I moved to Orkrum later. I just moved back a couple of days ago, though!"

"Wow, awesome! Look, I've still got a lot to do today, but let's meet up tonight at my place! Is six o'clock good for you? It's the same place I lived before." She asked, turning back to work on picking things out while we talked.

"Yeah, it does! I'll see you then, okay?" I asked, getting a nod and grin from her. This is amazing! It's been so many years since I've seen her, that I almost forgot about her completely... Maybe leaving was the right idea, after all!

I picked up everything else my mother wanted me to grab, then ran back home with the items safely zipped up within the backpack. I threw the backpack onto the counter, then ran to my mother. "Guess what?!"  I cried, jumping up and down.

"Oh, what is it, sweetie?"

"I saw Sky at the store, and she invited me to her house at six tonight!" I chirped.

"That's lovely! I'm in the middle of something, though, so could you give me a bit?" She asked, shooing me away.

"Yeah, that's fine! Sorry, but I'm just so excited!"

"Heh, it's fine, don't worry." I smiled and nodded, dashing away. I decided it would be best to go outside and watch the waves, though I was incredibly excited for later that day. In one moment, though, all that came crashing down.

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