Volt - Chapter 5

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


Over three years later

It was finally that time again. It had been such a long time since I first met Cinder, but this never seemed to get old. Here we were, facing off in the Orkrum Championship finals. Cinder had proved to be a true friend over the past few years, even after I finally disclosed my darkest secrets. He stood by my side in my darkest moments, and I owed him everything. I was now accepted, and it was all thanks to him.

I was sixteen now, and the world seemed to different to me. I learned that I wasn't the only one suffering, that there were millions turned refugees because of the war. After learning about that, I just felt lucky to have what I did. I smiled and stood up. My life wasn't the best by far, but it was all I needed. Just a simple life of fighting, nothing more. If I could stay fighting in tournaments forever, that's what I would do. Sure, it would keep me away from other things, but fighting made me happy.

I put on my new red leather scarf and walked into the arena. I was pretty much guaranteed to win, because Cinder didn't want to be champion. He just liked the fights for the fun, not the puclicity. I wasn't really fighting for that, either, though. I just liked it because I was able to fight without scaring others. Cinder would throw the match if he was about to win, but I wouldn't give him that chance.

The crowd roared as I stepped into the area, and I couldn't help but smile because of it. The battlefield really was my life now, and I wouldn't let anything keep me from it. Cinder stood opposite of me, smiling, too. We had practiced against each other all year for this, and it was finally time to show off what we'd learned.

The announcer's voice came over the speaker, his voice echoing throughout the stone coliseum. "And, for our championship match, we have ex-champion Cinder Arkon versus your champion, Volt Kallen!" The thousands in the crowd went crazy at the sound of my name. "So, without further ado, let the match begin!"

I quickly jumped into action, using quick attack to get close to Cinder. I used thunder fang to try and land a hit, but he did a backflip to dodge the attack. As he tried to land his footing, though, I capitalized and used electroball for a direct hit. A cloud of smoke covered Cinder, and he clearly wanted this. He came charging out of the smoke with flame charge, though I met him head on with quick attack. We both tumbled back, but were quickly back on our feet. He tried to use flame charge to minimize the distance between us since he didn't want me to have the advantage of range, but I kept him away with discharge.

He looked for an opening, but he didn't see the thunderstorm forming above him. A thunderbolt dropped down on him, then I used discharge to hit him again. As he tried to get up, I used quick attack to try to knock him away. He rolled away to dodge then clawed at me, hitting me again. I winced as the claws made cutting contact but kept standing. I countered with thunder fang, which clearly weakened him.

I could tell he was about to faint, but he tried one last attack. He ran at me using flamethrower, trying to keep me from gaining a chance to attack. I had practiced for a situation like this, and I had hoped he would give me a chance to be a bit flashy. I backed away from him, which seemed to confuse him. I suddenly stopped, then charged at him. He tried to attack, but I didn't give him the chance. I jumped over him, then summoned thunder crashing down.

The stream of raw electricity came quickly, hitting both of us. I fell to the ground but found my footing. Cinder, on the other paw, collapsed, defeated. I looked around as cheers filled the arena, and I smiled again. I had done it again. I wasn't letting anyone take my pride ever again.

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