Volt - Chapter 76

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


The sun was blinding. The touch of grass was more comforting than I had ever imagined. It all felt like some awful dream, and I hoped that it was, but I wasn't that naive. I looked back to the crack, though it was already quickly fading. I was home, on the same grassy hills I'd played on when I was younger. The life I'd been so used to a few days ago left so strange to me now. I started down the hills, continually looking at myself as I walked down. Was this really who I was now? Was I still myself, just a puppet, a god, an incarnate? Was a mortal mind even supposed to be able to understand such a thing?

It hurt my head to think about. I shook my head and just kept walking away. I needed to get home so I could see the faces that I had just been so scared I might never see again. Each step I took, I found myself becoming more and more hesitant. What was wrong with me? I couldn't seem to figure out why for a moment, but it quickly hit me. If I was really... Zygarde... would I even be able to see them anymore, or would I have to deal with some otherworldly business constantly? After that experience, I wasn't too keen on finding out.

I forced myself to ignore my nerves and continued toward home. Soon it came into vision, making me smile a bit without even noticing. Regardless of what the future held, it was good to be home. As I stepped through the door, I knew who I had to see first. Cracking open the door to Frost's room, I looked in and was only disappointed to see she wasn't there. I sighed and shook it off, turned to see Cinder instead, who was doing something at his desk. His face lit up when he saw me, and he instantly get up to greet me.

"Wow, I can't believe you're here. Seems like it's been a bit, huh?" I wish I could've shared his same happy tone.

"Yeah, I guess so. Hey, would you happen to know where Frost is?"

He suddenly turned downcast. He nodded, but I could tell something was wrong. "Yeah, she's... she's out on the beach with Ribbon. Just give them a bit. Frost seemed pretty upset this morning."

I sighed and looked away. "Oh, okay. Guess I'll just hang around here then." I attempted to exit the room, but Cinder was catching onto me.

Ears perked, he moved between me and the door so he could look into my eyes. "Is... everything okay? You seem way more down than normal." 

I still darted my eyes away, not wanting to deal with him right now. "Yeah... I just need rest." He gave a sigh and stepped aside, looking away now as well. He didn't say a word as I stepped out. I considered going to the beach to see exactly what was happening, but I knew that would be a bad time to surprise Frost. I wanted our reunion to be at least a little happy... if that was possible at this point. I needed time before I could tell anyone, and it wouldn't be easy no matter how I did it. I settled on my bed being an equally valuable excursion.

I'd heard that absence makes the heart grow stronger, and though this whole god-complex thing definitely was helping me not feel as tired, I'd been dreaming about my bed for longer than I would've liked to admit. As my head hit the pillow, my body gave in to a deeper sleep than I'd ever expected was possible. Not even the sun could disrupt my peaceful slumber when even my brain was too exhausted to bring me blissful dreams.

When my eyes opened what felt like centuries later, I was met with a familiar face sitting on my bed. "Hey..." Frost cooed, putting on a gentle smile. "I've been waiting for you to wake up. It's been like... 3 hours or something since I got here. I think Cinder said you came in here at least another 3 earlier before I saw you. You must've been really tired."

I leaned up and sat down, facing her. Words escaped me, but I felt what I wanted to say viscerally. I did the only thing I could do. I locked her in the tightest hug I could, refusing to let go. She did the same to me. Neither of us chose to speak, and I was happy with that. I held her as close as I could and that's all I needed.

She eventually pushed me away a bit, though still kept me close. "Volt, still, though... there's something you should know about. Please don't hate me for it."

I cocked my head a bit, surely looking confused. "I won't, but I'm scared that you would think I might."

She paused but didn't really acknowledge what I'd said. "Last night, I was in town. Some Umbreon guy came up to me and asked me to show him around the town some. I was really lonely because I missed you and was just being an idiot, and... I agreed to do it for him. After a while he got super weird and ended up saying he was getting feelings for me, then he kissed me without me even giving him a chance to say no. I just... I was such an idiot, I feel horrible. I never should've been around him, and I already feel like I'm somehow being unfaithful for it." I noticed a bit of a tear forming in her eyes.

I stared at her, shaking my head. I didn't know exactly how to feel, but more than anything I was glad she was so honest. However, whoever this Umbreon was, I was far from glad he'd touched her. "Hey, I'm not mad at you. You didn't want it, right? Then it doesn't matter."

She shook her head, now beginning to actually cry. "I didn't, but I was such an idiot. I never should've said yes, I never should've!"

I cut her off. "Frost, stop. Please. I don't care what you did that might've led up to that, he did it, not you. There's no way some idiot could taint you in my eyes. That'll never change."

She looked at me with tear-filled eyes. "A-are you sure? Is that a p-promise?"

I nodded. "I swear on my life." I wrapped her in another hug, which she yet again gladly accepted, continuing to cry on my fur as I held her.

"Th-thank you... for loving me..."

"I got such an amazing girl that everyone else wants her too, but I won't let 'em. And don't you dare think that what they do will change who you are to me." I stroked the fur on her back, earning a small smile from her.

She nuzzled her head against mine. "I'm just as lucky to have found you." I was so happy. This was perfect, it was exactly what I'd always hoped for. I had the girl of my dreams, I had friends, I had family, yet somewhere deep within me, I suddenly felt just the tiniest thing... off? It was hard to describe, but I just could tell something... wasn't right. I thought about it for quite some time as we sat together, but I just couldn't figure anything out. Frost eventually realized how deep in thought I was. "Hey... is something up?" She whispered.

I shook my head. "I really don't know. I guess just all that training is messing with my head. I'm just... feeling a little sick I guess."

She jumped up when she heard, worry immediately in her voice. "Oh, do I need to get you something? I don't mind if I do."

I shook my head yet again. I just wasn't ready to say exactly what was happening. "No, I'll be alright. Just give me a bit I guess."

She nodded and sighed. "Alright, well I guess I can leave you be for a little bit? Just come see me when you're feeling better, I haven't made up for all the cuddles I missed yet!"

I smiled and laughed to myself. She was so innocent sometimes that it was impossible for me to not find it cute. I nodded and let her leave, though my stomach started to genuinely hurt more as I sat alone. Eventually, the trash can in the corner of my room began to look more and more appealing, and I soon found myself hunched in the corner puking. It wasn't what I would've exactly called pleasant. I figured (and hoped) it was just a side effect of literally merging with a god, though I doubted any doctor with a brain would believe me if I said that was one of my recent activities.

I began to feel better afterward, though now my original thoughts began to come back. I felt so... strange. I'd promised that Frost wasn't tainted, and I believed that with all my heart. Surely that wasn't why I felt this way... but then why did I?

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