Volt - Chapter 53

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


"I'm proud of you, Volt. You did the right thing." Cinder gave me a reassuring smile, placing his paws on the window so he could look outside. "I'm glad you realized the truth."

"Yeah, I am, too. This has all just been so confusing..." I muttered, yawning.

"Hey, how about you get some rest? I'm sure you're tired after everything that's been going on." He suggested, and I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I suppose I should." I stepped out of his room and went to my own, quickly jumping into my bed and going to sleep almost immediately after. I opened my eyes to see the perfect landscape I was used to from the dream world, and I sighed in relaxation as I looked over it. I looked to my side to see Frost next to me, looking over at me.

"Hey..." She muttered, showing a forced smile.

"Hey!" I chirped, walking over to her. "What brings you here?"

She sighed, starting to tear up. I quickly ran to comfort her, hugging her in hopes that it would at least somewhat help. "Well... I've just been thinking about Psi a lot, and... I'm just really upset about how things turned out..."

I sighed and nodded, understanding what she meant. Things had turned out terribly. There was nothing we could do right now, though, so we would just have to focus on ourselves. "I'm sorry about how things happened... Maybe one day you two can make up. I know you can. Just give it some time."

She sighed and gave a weak nod, barely looking up to see the landscape in front of us. "This place is so pretty... why do we always have to be sad here..."

"I know... it really is a shame..." I muttered, her mood slowly taking hold of me. My ears perked up as I heard footsteps behind us, and I stood up ready to fight as I turned to see who was watching us.

"Well, I don't think they always have to be this way." Said a Flareon, the voice making Frost jump. Her eyes quickly turned to face the character, and she immediately ran to him. She quickly wrapped him in a hug, leaving me alone just as quickly as I had come to her side. Now I only sat confused, trying to figure out what was going on.

"V-Volt..." She muttered, turning back to me. "T-this is my dad..." The words hit me suddenly, but the word 'dad' took away all my joy for her as soon as it got to me. I... I didn't know what to do. I stood frozen in their presence, just hoping they would make some kind of move so I wouldn't have to.

"Nice to meet you." The Flareon said, extending a paw out to me. I nervously stepped forward to shake it, extending my paw to his and nervously grinning as I did so. I stepped back afterward still feeling his eyes burning into me, and I barely saw Frost make some kind of motion to her father to stop, which I was secretly very grateful for.

"Um... hello, sir." I whimpered, my eyes still glued to the floor. So many thoughts were running through my head at once, and I was just too overloaded to even think straight.

"What's the matter with you?" He suddenly asked, Frost giving him a muffled but angry response in return. I slowly raised my head to face him, knowing I had to say something.

Sighing, I finally broke my silence. "I... I lost my dad when I was really young... I guess I... just don't know what to say or do... I've never really been in this kind of situation before..." His frown seemed to lighten as I said that, and his look was replaced with sudden embarrassment.

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