Volt - Chapter 59

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


I looked over the map time and time again with Frost, studying the path until I knew it by heart. The path seemed to show every location she had stayed at, along with dates and times. If it was right, we'd be able to figure out exactly where she was. It surely wouldn't be easy to find the place, but we might actually be able to find her. To find my family. My real family. We had been studying the map for what had been at least an hour, so it was starting to get dark outside. We figured we would need to get rest soon if we were going to be able to start our journey tomorrow, so we started deciding what our arrangements for the night would be.

We both grabbed snacks from nearby vendors, as we were too tired to get anything too big for a meal. We decided that I would sleep in my old room, while Frost slept in what I vaguely remembered as my brother's room. It was weird to look more closely at the abandoned rooms, seeing the extreme care that was put into keeping them clean even though no one stayed in them anymore. I toyed around with the various trinkets that they contained to see if they could give any more hints, though I found no other hints throughout.

I could feel myself becoming extremely tired the more I thought and explored the rooms, so I found myself growing tired. Frost seemed a bit less so, but she agreed that it was a good idea to get some rest as well. I found myself dragging as I headed to my temporary room, so tired that it was even hard to get to my bed. Once I reached it, though, I nearly immediately went to sleep. With the soft covers and warm sheets surrounding me after such an eventful day, it was hard not to, anyways. My dreams were far stranger than usual, though, as all I could seem to dream of was the color blue. I was swallowed by darkness, but flashing blue lights seemed to surround me. I couldn't seem to make sense of what was happening, and I found myself yelling into the abyss as if it would change something. As time went on, though, I began to quietly hear Zygarde's words whisper through my head...

Prepare yourself...

It didn't make sense, but I kept yelling. "What do you mean?!" The words echoed throughout the abyss, though they fell upon silent ears. I was alone, yet somehow Zygarde could still always communicate with me. "Please!" Still nothing, but I didn't stop. I continued on and on, but eventually, I gave up. Why was all of this happening? I thought about it for so long, as I had for weeks now, but there just wasn't a good answer. "Why me..?" I quietly muttered, suddenly just wanting it all to stop.

Of course, there was no response, only the silence of the room. I felt tears start to run down my face, though I didn't even realize I was crying. I had been trying to keep all the pressure to myself, trying to ignore how hard it was, but I couldn't anymore. "Please answer me..." I whimpered, just hoping I would get some reply.

Why are you suddenly weak? I thought we had made a promise?

"Because you've been treating me horribly! I'm not some toy to finish this job for you! You never tell me the whole story, which is pretty unhelpful when my life depends on it! I want to help, but this is ridiculous!"

Do you want to know your fate? Do you actually think that you'd be ready to know something like that? Do you think your mortal mind could comprehend it?

"Yes! Yes, I could! Tell me! Please, so I can at least just know what I'm doing this for! Tell me why you chose me, why I have to do all of this!" I nearly screamed, completely forgetting about Frost being in the house as well until she came knocking at my door.

"What in the world are you yelling about..?" She sleepily muttered, peeking her head through the door.

I just shook my head in silence, sighing to myself. "It's nothing, just go back to bed. I'll be fine."

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