Volt - Chapter 9

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.

Sorry for the really late chapter, things should speed up again soon.


What's with her?! I thought, She finally talks to me, and she runs away the first thing I ask! Ugh, I can't deal with her. If she wants to be like that, I'm not gonna chase after her every time she's upset.

I sighed and walked away, wanting to return to the others. I suddenly realized I had lost my way, though, and I figured I would have to wonder around to find Cinder and Ribbon. Even though they said they had gone to nap, at least I would have someone I could trust nearby. I walked around the deck, turned a few corners, and suddenly everything went black. When I opened my eyes, I could see nothing, like I was in a completely black room. I was laying on the ground, which I couldn't see, but it was still somehow there.

I stood up, trying to see where I was, but still nothing was there. My gaze shifted around for a bit, until I made out a black figure in the distance. Taking slow steps, I approached it, but no matter how far I walked, it only seemed further away. I suddenly heard a scream, but I turned to see nothing. When I turned back, the figure was gone. "W-what is going on..?! Who's there?!" I cried into the darkness.

I once again heard a noise behind me, and I turned to the figure only feet away. It was hard to tell in the darkness, but it seemed to be Necrozma. "Why did you bring me here?!" I yelled, the fear audible in my voice. The figure stood still, not moving an inch. "Why?!" I screamed, running to bite it.

It suddenly burst into action, dodging the attack. What're you doing?! Run! Get out of there! I heard Frost's voice say from nowhere. I was stunned by confusion, and didn't dodge the giant swipe coming at my face. Necrozma's claws slashed my face, causing me to cry out in pain.

"Arceus, what a dream..." I whimpered while holding a paw to my face.

"You think this is a dream? You shall learn to respect my power, 'hero', or pay the price. You will never understand the extent of my powers; you might as well give up. This is no dream." Necrozma's voice boomed.

Volt, are you deaf?! Get out of there! Please! Came her voice once again.

What am I supposed to do?! Teleport?! I thought. "G-go away!" I weakly cried in an attempt to escape. "Get out of here, leave!"

"I shall let you go for now, but do not ever expect this again. Begone." The beast said again, and suddenly light flashed everywhere, covering me. I closed my eyes to avoid the blinding light, and when I opened them again, I stood on the boat.

"Volt!" Cried Frost, running to hug me. "W-what in the world was that?!"

"I d-don't know how it did that, b-but how in the world where you talking to me?!" I questioned.

"I don't know, I just could feel what was going on, and I tried to talk to you. S-somehow, it worked, but I just don't know how..."

I sighed and turned to face the ocean. "Imagine, a few days ago everything was so normal, and now... this." I heard Frost walking next to me, and soon we both stood staring into the sea.

"There has to be a reason for all this, right? Like, it wouldn't just be happening to anybody, there's just no way. It must mean that we really are the ones who have to do something about it." She reasoned. I had to agree, but I just somehow couldn't accept it.

"How are we supposed to do something, though?! I just don't understand! What the heck do you want, Necrozma?!" I yelled into the deep blue. "Sorry, I'm just-"

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