Volt - Chapter 32

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


I realized where I was, glad I could get away and talk to Frost more. As I turned to look for her, though, I felt claws dig into my side. It was here. Its body collided with mine, sending both of us rolling down the hill, swiping at each other the whole way down.

Once we finally stopped rolling, it pinned me down, though I kicked it in the stomach, which sent it flying backwards. I tried to run, not wanting to fight in my weakened state. I saw Frost running towards me, though, which forced me to stop and lift her onto my back. "Volt, what's going on?!" She cried, clutching my fur as I started to run faster.

"I don't know, you tell me! Why'd you bring it here?!"

"I didn't mean to! I just wanted to talk to you again!"

"Ugh, this isn't gonna be easy..." I dashed into a forest, hoping I could lose him as it started to chase after us. I dodged tree after tree, hoping it couldn't keep up as I did my best to avoid either of us being hurt. I heard it gained on us, though, and quickly. This... thing was terrifying, even to me. If it caught us, there was no guessing what it would do to me... or Frost.

The thought of her being hurt by him put my running into overdrive, though I still wasn't fast enough. I knew I couldn't beat that thing, and I couldn't outrun it, either. Dad... I wish you were here, you would know what to do... I thought to myself, though I snapped myself out of that quickly. He's not going to come, Volt. He's gone.

I dodged another tree and found myself outside of the forest, where we had no chance of staying ahead. I just kept running, though, hoping I could somehow keep head. "V-Volt, it's right behind us!" Frost cried, hugging me tighter.

I did all I could, but I soon found it right next to me. In a swift move, both Frost and me were knocked over, leaving us vulnerable to a possibly deadly blow. I got up as soon as I could, but found it with Frost pinned below. Its claws were unsheathed, and his cold, dead eyes showed no mercy. "I will take away everything you love," It spoke, placing a claw on her neck, "one by one. Starting with her, of course."

Rage filled my veins, and I could feel myself shaking from fury. I was not going to stand by and let this happen. I was not here to sit around and watch. I was here to fight, and that's sure as hell was I was going to do when he threatened Frost like that.

I felt how violent my shaking was, but let it continue. I could feel myself getting stronger. I could feel something changing. You have done well, my friend. Feel the rage, accept it, and let it flow. Give in to the anger, and let it fuel your strength. Uncover your inner beast, and let it out. Show me what you've learned. 

Zygarde, lend me your strength for this... please...

Why would I? You will soon find my power already lies within...

I didn't understand, but I did as he told me. My muscles tensed, my paws clenched, and I felt a fire ignite within. I watched as I became cloaked in a light much like Zygarde's, and I emerged feeling stronger than ever. The right side of my vision was shaded by green, but my left vision was unaffected.

I could feel a new power flow throughout, one that I liked. One that I really liked. My transformation distracted the clone for just long enough for Frost to make a move, throwing sand in his eyes and getting away. While he yelped in pain, I rammed into it, sending both of us tumbling onto the ground. I unsheathed my claws, which now flowed with a green-tinted electricity, and delt a devastating blow to the creature, cutting deep across its back. It stopped moving, and I triumphantly stood up and walked away.

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