Frost - Chapter 8

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


What's so special about him? I thought while I lay in my straw bed, Why did I let my guard down like that? What about him could've made me do that? I bet he's just like any other boy, just trying act like some knight in shining armor trying to make me love him... I won't do it anyways, though. He's just not my type, I can tell.

As I thought that, I wondered why he had seemed to care about me so much. "That was strange, I've never had anyone act like that towards me..." I whispered. The hate I had endured had turned me so cold, but was he trying to get through that without even knowing it? What if I was just lying to myself about him, and we really could- Wait, what am I thinking?! Arceus, I'm so dumb. With that thought gone from my head, I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and stepped outside to find Volt seemingly waiting for me. "What are you doing, creep?!" I yelled. Yeah, I could never love someone who did things like that.

"Oh, I just wanted to know if wanted to go somewhere today or something." He said.

"Huh?! I thought you were gonna leave today! Either way, I'd never go anywhere with a creep like you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, okay. I guess we'll get out of here, then."

"Finally." I said. Please don't go... I thought. There I went again! Why did I let my guard down, even if it was just in my mind?!

"Hey, Cinder, Ribbon, we should leave." Volt called.

"Coming!" I heard them call.

"Well, thanks for everything." Volt said.

"Okay, I get it! You're thankful, now go!" I said.

"Bye..." He said, walking out. Soon after, the others left with him.

"Finally." Hydro said. "You shouldn't have invited them, we don't have the space as it is."

"I know, but they helped me, so I wanted to help them."

"What's with you? You never act like that."

"I don't know. I'm gonna go walk around." I said, stepping out. That boat from last night was coming from Orkrum Island, so that must be where they live... Wait, why should I care?! It doesn't matter to me, they're already gone and out of my life. But... I don't want them to be. They were so kind, even though I was rude... Even if Volt was a creep, he was still nice.

"Wow, I need to stop. They're gone, and I doubt they would ever want to see me again." I sighed, "I can't take this. I'm just gonna go back to bed." When I went back inside, I saw something red laying on the ground. I picked it up and realized it was Volt's red scarf. Wait, I could use this as an excuse to go find them... I thought. Without even thinking, I dashed outside. I had to stop lying to myself, I wanted to go with them. I was starting to get tired of my boring overprotective brother and my silent friend, as nice as she was.

I ran to the port and found they were about to leave when I called out to them. "Hey, Volt, you left this!" I called, waving the scarf around. I saw him run to me to get it

"Oh, thanks. Bye, I guess." He said, but before he turned, I hugged him without even thinking.

"I'm sorry for how rude I was, I... I really wanna go with you all. Please let me." I said.

"H-huh?! Where'd this come from?!" He asked, surprised.

I was about to say something rude, but I stopped myself. "F-from my heart. And I'm done lying to myself, I... I would really like to be friends with you, Volt..." I sighed.

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