Volt - Chapter 20

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.



I yawned as I got out of my straw bed, jumping up as soon as I realized what day it was. My father had asked the knights to recover a thunder stone so that I could evolve into a Jolteon, and it had been reported that one was to be delivered today. I ran to the kitchen and saw my mother, a Sylveon, cooking. "Good morning, sweetie!" She chirped, nuzzling me.

"Good morning! It smells amazing!" I chirped back, running to my father, a Jolteon, who was sitting on the couch. "Good morning, dad!" I jumped into his lap, while he stroked my back.

"Hey, little guy! Remember what day it is?" He asked, smiling.

"Of course! I'm gonna evolve today!" I cried, jumping up and down.

"Yup, it is! It isn't here yet, but it should be by tonight, so your brother, mom, and me will all be here to see you evolve!"

"Aww, but I'm sooo excited! I don't think I can wait that long!" I cried.

"Look, just train with me again for today, and I promise it'll be here in no time!"

"Fine..." I pouted, jumping down from his lap. My mom gave both of us breakfast, right as my brother woke up.

"You're going already?" My fellow Eevee pouted, sighing. "Okay, well I'll see you guys tonight! Volt, I can't wait to see you evolve!"

"Thanks, bro!" I called back, running outside followed by my father. We both ran to the main guard tower, one of the corners of the large, square stone walls that surrounded the town.

"Hey, Spark!" A Rhyperior, one of the guard captians called. "You too, rookie!" He joked, laughing. Rookie had pretty much become my name around here, since it was pretty strange for someone as young as me to already be training to be a knight, but that's the way my life went, and I loved it. "So, there's not any assignments, and there's no secerity threats around town."

"Hmm, okay. So, just a training day?" My dad asked, and the captain nodded. "Well, c'mon, Volt, let's go to the knight facilities. Let's see how much you've improved over the past week." He led me down some stairs, to an underground room with a small field for sparring.

"Dad, can you teach me some stronger moves today? I wanna get really, really strong before I evolve! If I don't, I'll fall behind!" I chirped, jumping around again.

"Heh, sure. Today, I'll teach you Double-Edge. Come here, I'll show you." He instructed, leading me to the field. I took my normal offensive position, but he stopped me. "No, this move is quite different. It'll hurt quite a bit to use, but it's incredibly powerful. Look, take this position." He explained, lowering his head and stretching his paws out far in front of him and putting his weight on his back legs.

I copied him, storing my power to attack as usual now. I lunged foward, slamming into one of the training dummies. When I hit it I flew back and flipped over, tumbling onto my back. "Ouch..." I sighed, turning to him. "That was wrong, wasn't it?"

He laughed and nodded. "Don't worry, it's not easy to do. Now, look-"

"Spark, it just got delivered." The captain announced, walking up behind us. "Oh, sorry if I interrupted. Just thought you might want to know." After that, he walked away.

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