Volt - Chapter 69

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


I quietly sighed to myself as I sat on a bench near the edge of the town. Things were so crazy now, but somehow I was so happy everything had gone like this. Happy that my life had been turned upside down, happy that I had finally had the courage to talk to Frost, and happy that I could finally, finally, be complete. Things were looking up for me.

Even though I probably should've been spending time with Frost, I honestly needed a break. Everything was so difficult for me to understand right now, so the quiet peace that I was normally used to at home became a rare oasis of beauty here. A soft breeze blew through the thick canopy of leaves from the forest ahead, creating a calming sound that was enough to relax anyone.

Eventually, I slowly stood up, taking a deep breath as I took in the cool morning air. It was getting closer to noon, but I was going to keep enjoying what quiet time I had left here. It was probably the last time I'd get this in a while. As the cool breeze blew over me, I somehow knew that everything would turn out alright even with how strange things were right now.

"Volt!" Came a cry from Frost, shattering the silence I was enjoying. I quickly woke up from my daydreaming when I heard her cry, though, and I turned to run to her as I heard it, the weight of her screaming hitting me with full force as the fear struck in. I saw her bursting out of the forest with Ribbon, both of them whipping their heads around in terror as they looked for me. By the time they noticed me I had already gotten to them, both of us panting as we tried to communicate what was happening to each other.

"W-we found something really weird in the forest..." Frost panted, staring at the ground. 

"What? What in the world is it?" I asked, confused.

"Just... c-come with us. It's weird." Ribbon requested while I nodded in return. "Frost, want to lead the way?" Frost nodded as well, and we all quickly dived into the brush. I pushed the leaves and bushes out of the way as we walked, being as careful as possible to not step on thorns or touch anything dangerous. Once we eventually reached a certain point, Frost stopped in place and looked down at something. Ribbon and I joined her, making me stare at the strange creature in awe. "That's one of them, right?"

I bent down to look at it, though it seemed unconscious. I lightly pawed at it, which left a light tingle wherever I touched it. "Yeah, it's got to be one of them. There's no way it isn't because I've never seen something like this before. I wonder if it's related to-" Before I could finish, its eyes slowly drifted open, making me jump back. "It's awake!" I cried, making them jump back as well.

Once I'd gotten steady on my feet again, I took an offensive position against the creature as it slowly started to float. It seemed to even be laughing and smiling as it looked at us, though I was sure it had no good intentions. It looked towards me, then turned upside down and started spinning on the spike on its head. It did that for a while, never seeming to attack or want to cause any harm. I continued to stare at it for a while, but I eventually let my guard down and replaced the fear with confusion.

"What... is this thing?" Frost asked, slowly stepping closer to it. I shook my head, not sure either. "It should be, like, attacking us, right?"

It kept spinning, though, eventually stopping and smiling at us again. It floated closer to me, holding one of its small hands out for me to touch. I exchanged a quiet stare with the others before cautiously touching its hand, making it giggle a bit. "I wonder why... I wonder why it's doing this..." I muttered, turning my head in confusion.

"Does this mean they aren't normally aggressive like we've seen? Do you think... we've been wrong about how these things act normally?" Frost asked, nervously looking at it.

"So that means Necrozma is what causes everything, it's not just them. This is all crazy..." Ribbon sighed, looking towards me. "That's what you're thinking, right?"

I nodded in agreement, staring at the strange creature. "That's got to be it. I can't believe it, I guess Necrozma is even more corrupt than we thought..."

Frost looked back out of the forest, then looked back towards the new creature we'd found. "We should probably get out of here. We don't want to meet anything else that's looking for this thing, so let's just get home and avoid that chance." We both nodded in agreement, then quickly followed Frost back through the dense thicket.

Once we reached the house, Ribbon turned and immediately went to see Cinder, going to tell him the news. I stayed with Frost, though, which suddenly seemed to change the mood as soon as we were alone. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment, before we immediately met each other in an embrace. "I was so worried when you screamed like that..." I murmured into her ear, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry... I was just so freaked out. I'm safe, and I'm here with you now, though, so it's all okay... Just stay with me..." We walked towards the couch as we stayed together, eventually sitting down next to each other. She leaned her head against mine, while I closed my eyes and wrapped my paws around her.

"I love you so much..." I whispered, making her giggle a bit.

"I love you, too." She looked towards me, leaned forward, and kissed my cheek, which I returned on her forehead. "I'm so happy now... I've wanted this for so long, Jolty, it's like a dream come true..."

"It is for me, too. Even with all the chaos, you're the one thing I never want to change." She smiled as I said that, nuzzling my cheek. "I... I don't know what Hydro is going to think when we get home to them, but I'm going to do all I can to stay here. I know what he wants, but I'm not giving up this life for that."

"I'm glad. I'd be crushed if you had to go after all we've been through together." I agreed, inwardly sighing a breath of relief. Hydro truly did scare me because of his power over Frost, but maybe things could finally change. "I can't wait until we're finally able to live like normal teenagers again..."

"Like this?" She asked, still resting her head on me. "I know it's a crazy time, but as long as we still get time like this I'm happy."

"Yeah, maybe. As long as we still get moments like this I'm happy as well." I murmured, starting to close my eyes. I was already tired from the stress of the morning, and I almost immediately had fallen asleep. 

When I opened my eyes later in the day, I looked to find Frost also asleep next to me, evidently falling asleep when I had. I looked up to notice my mom in a chair opposite of us, eyes locked on me. "Mom?" I whispered while trying to not wake Frost up, making her shake her head.

"I'm sorry... I just can't believe you're here." She whispered in return, starting to stand up. "I mean, look at you! I've been out of your life for so long and yet here you sit with plenty of friends and a partner... I guess I just feel like I couldn't have done much for you."

I shook my head, though I wasn't too sure myself. "I don't know how that kind of thing happens, but I don't really think things turned out for the worse. It's been hard, but things are so much better now. I have my friends, Frost, and now I have you again. Despite how bad it was, I'm proud to say that I made it through. Things are going to get better from here; I just feel it."

"They will, I know it..." Frost sleepily muttered, being awoken from her dreams by us talking. We all chuckled a bit, looking at her. "W-what are we t-talking about?"

"Don't worry about it," I told her, slowly standing up. I felt a ringing in my head, one that I had grown familiar with in the past. I walked away so as to not seem insane when I appeared to be talking to myself, but I knew something was up. "What is it? I'm kinda in the middle of something!" I cried, frustrated.

You cannot stay here much longer, there is still work to be done. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know Zygarde... Why, though? What could possibly be happening that could be that horrible right now?"

Every day you sit around enjoying life more and more innocent lives will be lost to this chaos. You have a job, and I expect you to do it right. You don't have much longer.

And with those simple words, the voice cut out.

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