Volt - Chapter 75

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


I stared at the cold gray ground of whatever this stupid dimension was. I hated it. I was so tired of everything here, from those awful monsters, to Zygarde, to even myself. I just wanted escape.

"Again." Growled the devilish snake as another strange, poor creature wandered into our path.

I stared at Zygarde. "I'm tired of killing! Can't you see that?!" I stared at my fur, matted crimson with the fluids of the innocent I'd been coerced into slaying. "Why are you making me do this?!"

"If you are to grow strong against those of this world, you must kill those of this world." The slimy voice returned.

"No! I'm done being this stupid puppet! I'm not made to kill by your orders! I feel no strength from this, only the innocent lives on my conscience now because of you!" I screamed, darting in the other direction.

How many days had I even been doing this? I wasn't even sure. I was too tired to care. Zygarde had been slowly feeding me more and more of his damned cells, staining my vision green and letting me use his cursed powers for the use of only more and more death. I couldn't take it anymore. What kind of 'training' was this even supposed to be?!

"Please, go away, go away, go away!" I yelled, hoping somehow that the awful effects I was experiencing just might this time. Of course, they didn't just like always. And, of course, that awful green and black dog form chased me down yet again.

"You are bound to me. There is no escape from this. Accept it, and finish your duty. Grow stronger." The voice was beginning to sicken me.

"No!" I screamed. Anger was taking hold, and I no longer cared to stop it. "I'll die if I have to, but I am no longer doing this for you!" I knew I couldn't outrun the beast, so I was left with only one option: the one most likely to get me killed. Without any hesitation, I slammed into Zygarde. I was done being a flesh puppet.

It immediately realized this and began to circle around me, giving me just enough time to consider my options. I hated to admit it, but the amount of combat I'd been doing had sharpened my mind in a way, but in one I was by far not proud of. I channeled the power of the land I'd since learned into one focused point, then let loose all the energy I had. I'd show that beast the true wrath of the land.

The land crumbled and shook, flinging itself and slamming pieces into the creature, yet it took the hits in stride. Its body seemingly disappeared, dividing into hundreds of small green pieces that all focused on me. I tried to outrun them, but they quickly gained on me. When they caught up, they cut like small razorblades, burning my skin wherever they touched. The body reassembled, still facing me with relentless, dead eyes as usual. I was done listening to this freak.

It prepared to do something yet again, though I couldn't tell exactly what. This thing had so many weird powers, so many things I'd never seen before, and I knew standing any chance should be a far cry from possible. Yet here I was, trying anyways. This time, streams of green light poured from its body, soaring high into the sky. They came crashing down nearly immediately, though, giving me nearly no time to hold my own as they slammed down. I was fast enough to roll and dodge past most of them, though the few that did hit burned just as the other attack had.

I had nearly no energy left. My life flashed before my eyes, making me realize what exactly I was about to do. I was going to die. Not some valiant death, not even by the side of someone I knew. I would die alone, in some strange and unfamiliar world, and would be left to be eaten by whatever lucky creature found my body as a free meal. They would never even know what happened to me. I stared at Zygarde, my body trembling. I couldn't do anything. Not like this.

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