Volt - Chapter 13

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


Ugh, why am I so stupid?! It should be so simple, why can't I figure out why I upset her yesterday?! I thought, mentally yelled at myself. I sighed as I walked around the town, looking for something that I could possibly buy Frost to ask her to forgive me. I knew it was a stupid idea, but had no clue what else to do. I eventually found the store I had at one time often visited, where I had first bought my red scarf. I stepped inside, then browsed the selection of the scarves I loved so much.

I soon found a scarf the exact same as mine, except this one was blue. I decided it would make for a good gift, so I bought it for Frost. As I made my way back home, I kept thinking of how I would apologize to her. Ugh, why do I always mess things up?! I cried internally. What in the world is wrong with me?!

I sighed and continued to walk, until I eventually was home. I sat alone in my room thinking for a while, until I finally decided how I would talk to her. "Frost, I'm... not entirely sure why I upset you, but... I'm really sorry. I just... would really like if it you would tell me why I made you mad, so I don't do it again. Please don't take that as being rude, I just don't understand." I practiced to myself.

"Y'know, it might be a bit better if you told her." Cinder said with a laugh, walking in behind me. "Look, she's down by the beach last I saw, go talk to her. But maybe... calm down a bit." He added, noticing how nervous I was. "Look pal, you've got this."

"T-thanks..." I sighed, looking out the window. "Do you have any idea what upset her?"

"Yeah, I think so. It's something you should figure out for yourself, though." He said, joining me. "I promise, though, you don't want to lose her. Just stay calm and apologize, and everything will go well."

I stared outside for a bit, before finally jumping down. "Okay, I'll go. Wish me luck."

Cinder laughed and turned to me. "Heh, don't worry, you don't need it." I smiled as I walked out, the blue scarf on my back. I slowly made my way down the hill until I reached the beach, where I looked for her. After a while of searching, though, I figured she might've gone to town instead.

I went there next, where I asked if anyone had seen a Glaceon walking around. Everyone responded with a no, and I soon became worried. I checked the arena, the dock, I roamed the fields, circled the beaches at least twice, until the sun was beginning to go down. I didn't stop, though, I had to find her. I was beginning to get scared.

I circled the beaches many more times, though I'm not sure what I was expecting. Please, help me... I jumped back, scared by the strange voice once again appearring in my mind.

Frost..? I quickly returned, hoping with all my might it was her. Moments passed, and still no response.

Someone, please... Help me... I heard the voice once again.

Frost, where are you?! I'm find you, help you, just please tell me! I internally screamed. Please, tell me! No response came once again, and I felt a tear run down my cheek. Frost, where are you..?

After a painfully long amount of waiting, I simply couldn't take it anymore. I collapsed onto the sand and cried, not being able to hold it in anymore. V-Volt? I-is that y-you..? I heard the voice weakly respond.

F-Frost?! Arceus, Frost, where are you?! I'll find you, just please tell me! I cried out to her.

T-the island, off the coast... I'm stuck, please help me... She responded, her tone so weak it hurt me to listen to. Within seconds, I was off of the ground and dashing away. I knew exactly where she was now, even though I had no clue how or why she was there. Once the island was in sight, and dived into the water without hesitation, then swam faster than I ever had in my life.

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