Frost - Chapter 21

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I DO NOT own Pokemon.

Apologies in advance for any grammar or spelling errors.


I stared at Volt, mortified from the story. That's what I had run from, that's what I had left him in. Without even knowing it, I had abandoned my future best friend in a situation where I could've at least been there for him. He was in tears and he finished, and I couldn't help but hug him. "I'm so, so sorry... I had no clue it was that disturbing..." I whimpered, tightening the hug.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't know. What matters is that you and your family made it out of there alive." He responded, hugging back.

"Yeah, but your's didn't. I just wish I was there to at least comfort you back then..."

"Look, don't worry. That was long ago, and I've gotten over it."

"...No, you haven't. I can tell that still haunts you, it would to anyone. You don't just get over something like that."

He didn't respond, staying quiet. I realized he had been telling me the story for almost an hour, and it was getting dark. I stayed by his side, though, just trying to do what I had failed to do so long ago. While we sat, though, I realized something. He said he never saw his mom or brother, so couldn't that mean that they could've fled, just like my family had? It was possible, but wouldn't they had returned after the attack? I decided I wouldn't talk about that possibility for now, and instead let silence reign.

We stayed like this for quite a while, before Volt asked me a question. "Frost... am I a monster to you?"

Shocked that he would even asked, I violently shook my head. "No, Volt! Those kids were just being stupid, honestly! You saved their lives! Volt, you're the furthest thing from a monster there is. You're the sweetest pokemon I've ever known, and I'm glad I let my guard down around you. It was worth it."

He showed a fleeting smile, standing up. "I feel much better now, thanks for that. I guess you're right, too. That really does still bother me."

I nodded my head, standing up as well. We walked out to the living room, where everyone sat together talking. We joined them, and Psi quickly came over. "So, what've you two been doing?" She asked, specifically towards Volt.

"Oh, just talking, nothing much."

"Oh, that's nice." She commented, a hint of jealousy in her voice. "So, can we talk now?"

"Sure, I suppose we can. What'd you want to talk about?"

"I, uh... W-what's some stuff you like?" She asked, wierdly nervous again.

"That's a bit strange, but... uh, fighting, I guess. Not really much else."

"That's it? That's so bland, though!"

I started tuning their conversation out and thinking to myself, but I stopped when I heard something. "So, could we hang out sometime? I'd really like to spend some time with you!" Psi chirped, smiling at Volt.

Oh, Arceus... She likes him, too, doesn't she? I thought to myself, sighing. This is gonna be difficult to deal with.

They kept on talking, and eventually I had to excuse myself to my room, because I couldn't take it anymore. I figured Volt would stay and talk, but he followed me. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked when I got to my room.

"Huh? Oh, n-nothing's wrong!" I cried, suprised he came with me. "I'm just tired, that's all!"

"Oh, well, if that's the case, we might as well go to sleep for tonight. You okay with that?"

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